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Team Pink!

Member since 12/06 5349 total posts
Name: Katie
please tell me my chest pains are nothing
I've been having kind of a dull pain in my chest since Thursday or so. I have a lot of anxiety right now so I'm sure that what it is but I thought it would go away after the weekend (I threw a surprise party for DH and I was worried about it) but it's still there. I'm terrified of doctors and totally scared to go to one.
And if it is anxiety is it possible for it to still be there even when I think I'm not thinking about all the things I'm stressed about?
Posted 12/4/07 11:57 AM |
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Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
Not to alarm you but DH had some chest pains. Went to the dr. and it ended up being high blood pressure. I would get it checked out!
Posted 12/4/07 12:01 PM |
life is a carousel

Member since 7/07 14956 total posts
Name: M
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
I would go and get yourself checked out sweetie. I am so sorry! Feel better!
Posted 12/4/07 12:03 PM |
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
Where are you feeling your chest pains?
I have been exepriencing some chest pain lately - on my left side.....
Especially when working out....
I always have had great blood pressure though...
I am curious to hear what people say in response to this as well - I also have been very stressed and tired lately...
Posted 12/4/07 12:03 PM |
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Member since 3/07 13217 total posts
Name: They call me "Tater Salad"
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
Not knowing what it is only contributes to your anxiety level.
Please, go see a doctor for the peace of mind.
Posted 12/4/07 12:04 PM |

Member since 5/05 3775 total posts
Name: Kathleen
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
Feeling chest pain can be a variety of different things!!!!!
I went through this severely a few years ago and it was a mixture of anxiety and muscle tension (something I still deal with but doesn't alarm me anymore).
First off, where is the pain? In the middle of chest, to one side.....It could be a variety of things but trying to designate a particular area of discomfort can be helpful when you see a doc.
To ease your mind, I would see a doctor as soon as you can. He will perfom the necessary tests and you can go from there. It always helps to have a professional opinion, so you are not just wondering and waiting which can lead to diagnosing yourself (something I have been guilty of).
You did mention you had some anxiety lately and this can be a real contributing factor to this type of issue.
Feel better!!!!!!
Posted 12/4/07 12:09 PM |
Team Pink!

Member since 12/06 5349 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
Posted by kathleeng
Feeling chest pain can be a variety of different things!!!!!
I went through this severely a few years ago and it was a mixture of anxiety and muscle tension (something I still deal with but doesn't alarm me anymore).
First off, where is the pain? In the middle of chest, to one side.....It could be a variety of things but trying to designate a particular area of discomfort can be helpful when you see a doc.
To ease your mind, I would see a doctor as soon as you can. He will perfom the necessary tests and you can go from there. It always helps to have a professional opinion, so you are not just wondering and waiting which can lead to diagnosing yourself (something I have been guilty of).
You did mention you had some anxiety lately and this can be a real contributing factor to this type of issue.
Feel better!!!!!!
Thanks ladies. The pain is pretty centralized in my chest - between my boobs but a little bit higher then them. I know I need to go to the doctor, but have to work myself up to it. I always fear the worst (which like you guys said - adds to my already sky rocketed anxiety)
Posted 12/4/07 12:12 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
Hi, I am a chest pain veteran. I have been to the ER twice in the past three years (once while 6 months pregnant), countless regular doc appts, and am now going to a cardiologist.
My pain is apparently stress related. It's hard to really diagnose I have found. I have an inflammation of my chest wall due to stress, when my heart beats against (faster when stressed) it gets worse. I really do feel sometimes like I am having a heart attack...and it can last for weeks (the first time it lasted for close to 6 months)
I have two things: mitral valve prolapse and stress related musculo-skeletal chest pain or costrochondritis (inflammation of the muscles in the chest wall)...the latter is the main cause of the pain.
I would definitely go to a doc to get checked out...chest pain can be very scary.
Posted 12/4/07 12:19 PM |
Team Pink!

Member since 12/06 5349 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
Posted by Special-K
Hi, I am a chest pain veteran. I have been to the ER twice in the past three years (once while 6 months pregnant), countless regular doc appts, and am now going to a cardiologist.
My pain is apparently stress related. It's hard to really diagnose I have found. I have an inflammation of my chest wall due to stress, when my heart beats against (faster when stressed) it gets worse. I really do feel sometimes like I am having a heart attack...and it can last for weeks (the first time it lasted for close to 6 months)
I have two things: mitral valve prolapse and stress related musculo-skeletal chest pain or costrochondritis (inflammation of the muscles in the chest wall)...the latter is the main cause of the pain.
I would definitely go to a doc to get checked out...chest pain can be very scary.
thanks for sharing this with me - i am sure it is stress related, although i feel like i have been this stressed in the past and have not experienced what i'm feeling. i probably need to be on some kind of medication to handle my anxiety.
Posted 12/4/07 12:28 PM |
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Member since 7/06 8703 total posts
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
I would go to your PCP when you get a chance.
Posted 12/4/07 1:06 PM |
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
I would go see a doctor, chest pains isn't something you want to take chances with. As someone else said, not knowing what it is adds to your anxiety and could be the cause. Or it could be more serious, do yourself a favor and be safe rather than sorry.
I'll keep you in my thoughts, Katie!! Hope you feel better!!!
Posted 12/4/07 1:09 PM |
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Member since 11/07 1238 total posts
Name: Audrina
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
Check it out! You may have acid reflux
Posted 12/4/07 1:11 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 5/05 462 total posts
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
Please don't mess around with this. It could be nothing (or stress related) or it could be something serious.
If you go to the doctor, you can find out what is wrong and do something to correct it. Otherwise it is a vicious cycle where it is stressing you out more and making it worse.
My husband was having chest pains a couple of months ago and didn't mess around with it (thank goodness). It ended up being serious, but by going to the Dr, it was treated and he is doing really well now. If he hadn't gone to the doctor, he would probably be in a lot worse shape.
For your own peace of mind, work up the courage to go to the doctor.
Posted 12/4/07 1:50 PM |
Re: please tell me my chest pains are nothing
I agree with frosty!!!!
It likely is nothing serious, but it also could be an early warning sign of something that MUST be treated ASAP
you have to confront your fear of Dr's... becuase everyone needs physicals, and has something go wrong every now and then. you might as well confront your fears now and go
you'll feel much better anxiety wise about the chest pain, and you'll have a sense of accomplishment for confronting your fears.
Posted 12/4/07 1:58 PM |