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plus size preggo's

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Our Family is Complete

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plus size preggo's

how many of you felt pressured to loose weight before getting pregnant?

i know is should, doctor didnt say i should but i know it will be healthier for me and the baby but i am so ready now, we both are mentally and financially, i really just want to say screw it i'll loose the weight afterwards?

should I loose it now? or weight till after?

Posted 6/23/06 4:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: plus size preggo's


Posted 6/23/06 4:22 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: plus size preggo's

I didn't feel pressured. But, I could have lost 20lbs or so before getting pg.

The thing that worries me is that the heavier you are, you have a higher chance of gestational diabetes.

I have a condition with my back, which is pregnancy related. I was afraid that it was because I was overweight, but three doctors assured me that it absolutely is NOT because of my weight (although, I'm sure being heavier to begin with doesn't help).

I am also seeing a nutritionist to monitor my eating habbits (because I'm so afraid of GD), but I still gained 19 lbs and I am 19 weeks. Although, most plus sized preggos only gain about 20-30 lbs.

I am attaching a picture of me before I got preggo, so you will see my size. I was a 14/16 pre-pregnancy.

My advice to you is that if you and DH are ready to have kids, then you should have kids. Yes, you can loose the weight after you have your children, but it will be much more difficult. But, it can be done. I, personally, don't think that your weight now should delay your beginning a family.

I know how you feel, and if you have any questions, FM me. Chat Icon

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Posted 6/23/06 4:36 PM

My Loves!

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Re: plus size preggo's

I am plus size and pg. Am I worried, of course. I got pg while trying to lose some weight (lost about 5-10 lbs).
Went for my 1st appt. and dr. really didnt say anything about my weight. Told me what foods to avoid (common sense..fried foods, fish) and eat low fat dairy. Also a walk a day helps.
I was debating to even sign up for Jenny Craig, then got my BFP, so, its all about eating healthy and drinking lots and lots of water.Chat Icon

Posted 6/23/06 4:48 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: plus size preggo's

I'm certainly on the fence being plus-size (as far as clothing manufacturers go Chat Icon Chat Icon ), however, all through my journey of TTC and infertility...the doctor's never mentioned my weight as a concern...also, the meds I was on certainly help me put on a few pounds.

I "plan" to lose it after the baby...and my mother has promised me a new wardrobe for next spring/summer if I can get all the weight off that I I have something to strive for Chat Icon

Posted 6/23/06 4:55 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: plus size preggo's

I was plus size once. VERY plus size actually and had gastric bypass surgery. I did extensive research on surgery and weightloss beforehand. In addition, to that, I continue to educate myself in the field in which I work - Special Education. In both of those areas I learned that women who are heavier MAY not only have problems with fertility but once they become pregnant become a higher risk - for themselves and for the babies they carry with the possibility of gestational diabetes and other issues like hypertension. I also learned that a woman who is obese before or while she is pregnant could possibly put her child at risk for developing a disability:

March of Dimes Article

Of course plus size women have healthy children. My own mother was plus-size when she had me. But if a person can lower the risk, I would imagine both mother and child would be better off.

Your doctor would be able to give you the best answers.

Message edited 6/23/2006 5:15:06 PM.

Posted 6/23/06 5:14 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: plus size preggo's

Before we ttc i began to lose wieght but when we were trying I gained it all back. The Dr mentioned that losing could only help me in TTCing, After we found out we were pg, the Dr was only concerened since we were having twins, so they told me I could not gain as much. I would up gaining 35 lbs and most of that was at the end and now I am within 5 lbs of my prepregnancy weight, so I am in the same boat as I was before getting pg.

Posted 6/26/06 7:01 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: plus size preggo's

I was on Weight Watchers when I got pregnant. I had only lost about 10 pounds when I got my BFP. I developed gestational diabetes (I am not saying I got it because I was overweight). My OB told me I need to lose weight before getting pregnant again because I will be at a higher risk for getting it again.

It can't hurt you to start a diet may not happen your first month of TTC and you would have at least lost a little bit of weight.

Posted 6/26/06 8:28 AM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: plus size preggo's

I am plus sized & wasn't told to lose weight.

Posted 6/26/06 8:36 AM

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