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Member since 8/06 4376 total posts
POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
Okay, I don't have two job offers yet (wishful thinking, I know!) but I've been wrestling back and forth with this all night.
I already accepted an offer that comes with a salary I like, health insurance and paid time off. I may get another offer -- about $5-$7K less, but much better benefits.
So....which would you pick, the better pay with less benefits or the less pay with better benefits?
Posted 3/11/07 9:09 PM |

Member since 5/05 22351 total posts
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
depends on the benefits.
time off weighs HEAVILY in my decision, but health insurance doesn't b/c we have DH's.
you have to figure out your priorities for your lifestyle. Mine would be money
Posted 3/11/07 9:11 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
Unless you have or are anticipating major health issues, I would go for more money.
Posted 3/11/07 9:11 PM |
I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05 22334 total posts
Name: Professional Aunts No Kids
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
It depends on if you need to benefits.
For me, I take the health insurance benefits at work but my DH has much better benefits than I do so we use his, therefore those benefits arent that important to me.
Now on the other hand, Vacation days is VERY important to me!!
If i had to give up my vacation days, I wouldnt be happy
Posted 3/11/07 9:12 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
I didn't answer either b/c it would depend on a few more factors to me. If the job that paid less, but had better benefits was more of my "dream" job or in a field that I really wanted to be in, then I would pick that one.
My DH took a huge pay cut to take his current job, but it is his dream job and the benefits are very good as well.
Good luck
Posted 3/11/07 9:12 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
Considering the cost of health care insurance increases each year at a much higher rate than the rate of inflation, I would pick benefits.
You could go with the higher salary but then have your next raise completely eaten away with an even higher cost to you in benefits, be completely behind and wind up taking home less money.
You never know what the future will bring. You could be in the most perfect health right now but heaven forbid you need them, not having a good health insurance plan can bankrupt you.
Posted 3/11/07 9:25 PM |
Love my boys...

Member since 5/05 2412 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
I didn't answer either, because it depends on the benefits.
Posted 3/11/07 9:29 PM |
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Member since 6/05 5793 total posts
Name: Christian
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
hard to say, its not that cut and dry to me. there's future growth, how established the company is, camaraderie, what benefits are better (ex: I'm on DH's healthcare, so that doesn't matter to me, whereas stuff like 401K and days off would a big deal.) money talks though, haha. I think i'd have to really consider the future prospect of each job/company.
Posted 3/11/07 9:59 PM |
Life is So Wonderful!

Member since 8/06 6663 total posts
Name: Angela
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
in ur situation, the money!
Posted 3/12/07 9:42 AM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
It definitely depends on what the benefits are. For me, I would go for better benefits. not only is healthcare really expensive, but I feel that a company with better benefits might have a better apporeciation for employees and treat them better in general.
Posted 3/12/07 9:53 AM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
Depending on the benefits, of course, I would go with the better benefits. You'll get a raise every year, but it's almost impossible to get more benefits...
Posted 3/12/07 7:10 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
Better benefits only if it's a job you really want.
I agree with some of the posters. You will always get raises but you most likely will never get better benefits.
You could be healthy now but face something later and be glad you had excellent benefits. Mediocre benefits can steal the extra money that you are getting in salary. Out of pocket expenses have bankrupt some people.
Having said all that, I would have to weigh both oppys to see what would make me happy.
As for the posters who have benefits with their DH, your DH could lose their job and their benefits and then you are left with mediocre benefits and one salary. Just some thoughts.
Posted 3/12/07 7:22 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/05 4675 total posts
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH
Considering the cost of health care insurance increases each year at a much higher rate than the rate of inflation, I would pick benefits.
You could go with the higher salary but then have your next raise completely eaten away with an even higher cost to you in benefits, be completely behind and wind up taking home less money.
You never know what the future will bring. You could be in the most perfect health right now but heaven forbid you need them, not having a good health insurance plan can bankrupt you.
I completely agree. Also, it would depend on what 401k/403b match they provide. Stock options. If they have a pension or provide for your retirement with a cash balance plan, healthcare after you retire, etc. So much to consider besides the money. But I don't know what your personal situation is.
Posted 3/12/07 7:25 PM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH
Considering the cost of health care insurance increases each year at a much higher rate than the rate of inflation, I would pick benefits.
You could go with the higher salary but then have your next raise completely eaten away with an even higher cost to you in benefits, be completely behind and wind up taking home less money.
You never know what the future will bring. You could be in the most perfect health right now but heaven forbid you need them, not having a good health insurance plan can bankrupt you.
Posted 3/12/07 7:28 PM |
Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06 6655 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
For me, I'd go with more $$ and less benefits because I'm already on DH's benefits.
Posted 3/12/07 8:35 PM |
Information Goddess

Member since 5/05 4149 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: POLL: Accepting A Job Offer When There Are Two
What kind of benefits? That would be a factor in the situation.
Posted 3/12/07 10:37 PM |