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LIF Zygote
Member since 1/09 6 total posts
Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
I took a 10,000 HCg injection 14 days ago, tested positive ( finally! on 6 differnt home pregnancy tests) they were all faint, but non the less positive. I took a quantative Hcg blood test yesterday and my levels were a 35, they want me to do another one on Monday, to see if they rise, they are concerned because I guess that's low. Should I be worried? Is there a chance I could still have HCg in my system from the shot and it;s not a viable pregnancy? Help please... I really want to be pregnant and healthy!
Posted 2/20/09 11:32 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
No by now the hcg shot should be out of your system. The 35 beta is on the low side - HOWEVER - many pregnancies have been known to be successful. The # should at least double in 2 days or my RE wanted me to have a 66% rise in 3 days.
Posted 2/20/09 11:45 AM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
yay!! congrats! I know you're concerned but it could stick!
Posted 2/20/09 11:52 AM |
3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08 8178 total posts
Name: Momma
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
Posted 2/20/09 12:29 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 2/08 7 total posts
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
At 11dp3dt (14dpo) my beta was 11. There was little hope. The irony is that he is going to be a year old next week. He measured a few days behind throughout the pregnancy, but he is a beautiful, healthy baby boy. My doc just thinks he was a late implanter.
I know its hard...but try to stay positive.
Posted 2/20/09 12:45 PM |
my 2 boys
Member since 10/08 4240 total posts
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
Hcg is definitely out of ur system by now. Congrats!!!
Posted 2/20/09 1:01 PM |
My prayers have been answered

Member since 10/08 3642 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
try to stay positive!
Posted 2/20/09 2:10 PM |
RIP my beloved Brother Richard

Member since 5/07 6710 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
You probably implanted late.. HCG is out of your system by now.. Good luck!!!
Posted 2/20/09 5:17 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 1/09 6 total posts
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
Thank you everyone, for you positive thoughts and prayers.. I wish I wasn't such a stress bucket! Of course now this afternoon, I am having very light pink spotting.... should I be worried? Or could this be late implantation? WOuld a pregnancy test still read HCG levels if it hasnt fully implanted?
Posted 2/20/09 6:27 PM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
I am going to be completely honest here... A level of 35 is considered very low and generally not a viable pregnancy. It could be a late implanter, but in my experience (and I'm sure more so with an RE's) when the Hcg level is below 100 it's not a good sign. There are people who have had successful pregnancies with low levels, but that is not the norm. Generally, it ends up being a chemical or just a non-viable pregnancy. The only way to find out if the first number is viable, is to go for further blood tests. HPT's are too unreliable for clear HPT can pick up a level of 10 and another in the same box may not pick it up unless it's a level of 25....digitals are probably the most reliable of them all because you need a level of over 50. But in you case, at this point...your levels should be around 75/100 at least by this point.
Good luck...I've gone through this many times and it's the worst roller coaster ride ever...
Message edited 2/22/2009 8:08:58 AM.
Posted 2/22/09 8:08 AM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
Posted by Gertyrae
I am going to be completely honest here... A level of 35 is considered very low and generally not a viable pregnancy. It could be a late implanter, but in my experience (and I'm sure more so with an RE's) when the Hcg level is below 100 it's not a good sign. There are people who have had successful pregnancies with low levels, but that is not the norm. Generally, it ends up being a chemical or just a non-viable pregnancy. The only way to find out if the first number is viable, is to go for further blood tests. HPT's are too unreliable for clear HPT can pick up a level of 10 and another in the same box may not pick it up unless it's a level of 25....digitals are probably the most reliable of them all because you need a level of over 50. But in you case, at this point...your levels should be around 75/100 at least by this point.
Good luck...I've gone through this many times and it's the worst roller coaster ride ever...
I agree 100%. Hope everything works out!
Posted 2/22/09 10:50 AM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 7/07 404 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
Keep your head up. My beta at 12 DPO was 25 and 60 at 14DPO and I am 26 weeks pregnant now. I spotted from 5-15 weeks so there is hope. It is true that there is a possibility of this not having a positive outcome but don't rule yourself out yet! Good luck tomorrow!
Posted 2/22/09 10:53 AM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
Any updates?
Posted 2/25/09 6:56 AM |
my 2 boys
Member since 10/08 4240 total posts
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
Posted by Gertyrae
Any updates?
i was hoping for an update too. I was reading she took the hcg 14 days prior to her blood test so technically that shouldve make her 12dpo when she went in for her beta... which isent a low number. The number itself really isent the case.. its the doubling time...
Hope everything works out!!!
Posted 2/25/09 7:44 AM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: Positive pregnancy test after HCg injection.
HOpe everything is ok!!! I think 35 is not low for the day you went for the beta...I think there is still hope and you have to wait for the 2nd beta.
Hope all goes well for you!
Posted 2/25/09 8:32 AM |