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LIF Adult

Member since 8/05 2509 total posts
Name: michelle
Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
What age did they finally get it? and any suggestions to make it easier? TIA!
Posted 1/28/07 12:44 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 4729 total posts
Name: Shari
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
They are the only ones that can tell you when they are ready. Dont force it. Sammywas 100% trained during the day by 3 years 3 months. He is 4 1/2 and still is not trained at night .
Posted 1/28/07 12:55 PM |
My guys

Member since 5/06 2173 total posts
Name: Alli
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
He using the potty for #1 at 3 and then #2 about 2 months later. We decided not to use the Pull ups. We went for the absorbable underwear (Target sells them). He loved to wear the "big boy" undies so there was some incentive for him. But it wasn't easy...Good luck!
Posted 1/28/07 12:59 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
My son is 2 years, 8 months old, and within the last month, he's 100% potty tained for poopy, and we are working on the pee pee part. If i put underwear on him, he just pees right in it and doesn't even tell me. So, in time he'll be ready. But for now I am happy we haven't had a dirty diaper in over a month! The garbage men are thanking us! I know the pee will come in time. Our goal is by his 3rd birthday in May.
Posted 1/28/07 1:12 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
I don't feel so bad about my 3.5 yo DS not being fulled trained, then. He is fully capable, he knows when he is going, he does it totally fine when he's in the mood, he just doesn't seem to care enough to do it consistently. We've tried rewards, watching videos, having him watch mommy and daddy, all of the methods the experts suggest. Right now, we're backing off, and seeing if he'll decide on his own. Especially since we know he can.
I really hope it's true about girls being easier! DD is 8 months, so we have plenty of time yet, but I'm hoping she'll learn from her brother, and not take quite as long as he did....
Posted 1/28/07 4:27 PM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
There was a thread just a couple days ago on this with lots of replies that might be helpful. It was literally Fri or yesterday, do a search - it was about boys too.
Posted 1/28/07 7:03 PM |
Best Friends

Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
Ryan was daytime pee trained at 2, poop came months later and nightime later after that.
We started training sitting down and once he got the hang of it moved to standing.
He'll tell you when he is ready.
Posted 1/28/07 7:51 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/05 2509 total posts
Name: michelle
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
Thank you everyone! and I will look back for the other recent post!
Posted 1/29/07 11:22 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
My only suggestion is the earlier the better. Everyone has a difference of opinon but from my experience when they're older it becomes more of an issue of control. When they're younger, it's more of a common thing you do like brushing your teeth.
Joseph was fully potty trained by 3. He was told in order to take swimming lessons, he'd have to be potty trained.
I know people have tried Cheerios as aiming, etc. What I found was the best way was to give a deadline & go cold turkey. The longer you wait to go halfway (pullups sometimes, underwear other times, etc), the longer it will take.
Posted 1/29/07 11:29 AM |
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
Posted by nrthshgrl
I know people have tried Cheerios as aiming, etc. What I found was the best way was to give a deadline & go cold turkey. The longer you wait to go halfway (pullups sometimes, underwear other times, etc), the longer it will take.
Barbara, what do you mean by cold turkey?
As in, tomorrow morning I put underwear on him and let him wet himself until he realizes he needs to hold it and use the potty?
Should I plan to stay in all day? (ok I guess thats a given.)
Posted 1/29/07 9:11 PM |
Member since 10/05 4796 total posts
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
My son peed on the potty at 2 1/2 but only when we prompted him. He had to be potty trained by September for preschool, so we just went cold turkey about 2 weeks after his 3rd birthday in July.
Posted 1/29/07 9:41 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
Posted by -DonnaMarie-
Posted by nrthshgrl
I know people have tried Cheerios as aiming, etc. What I found was the best way was to give a deadline & go cold turkey. The longer you wait to go halfway (pullups sometimes, underwear other times, etc), the longer it will take.
Barbara, what do you mean by cold turkey?
As in, tomorrow morning I put underwear on him and let him wet himself until he realizes he needs to hold it and use the potty?
Should I plan to stay in all day? (ok I guess that's a given.)
You don't need to stay in. But you do need to make him feel uncomfortable when he does go. At one point, it seems to me that as they get older they get to the point where they don't mind being wet. 
I know for us it was a lot of going back & forth. If we were going on a long car ride, we would put a pull-up on him; if I was going to the store, I would put a pull-up on him. I think it sends a mixed message to them. It was only when I was committed to the idea of running with him to the potty & that there would be accidents, did he actually get trained. I paid more attention to what he drank. We would go potty before we went in the car - even if he insisted he didn't have to go, I would say "I'm sorry - preemptive pottying. You need to go." When he would dance around & insist that he didn't have to go, we would all yell "That's the pee-pee dance! You need to go!" and we would run him into the bathroom.
I remember driving out to Montauk & telling DH that I needed to put him in a pull up because if we were stuck in traffic... He said "bring extra clothes & we'll pull over." and sure enough we found plenty of gas stations along the way.
Whenever he had an accident, I would reassure him that it was ok, everyone has accidents. DH took the approach of calling him a baby when he did it. It was only then that I told Joseph that Daddy had an accident at one point too. shhhh....
I'm sure there are no set answers on this. I just know what worked for me & my friends' sons. For my one friend, it took peer pressure - seeing someone younger than him going on the potty & having everyone cheer at a party. It took all of us getting to the point of frustration & just ending the pull-ups (or putting them on the outside of the underwear) that did it. All of our second children were trained earlier & i think it's because we learned from our mistakes with our first one.
Posted 1/29/07 10:22 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
Posted by -DonnaMarie-
Posted by nrthshgrl
I know people have tried Cheerios as aiming, etc. What I found was the best way was to give a deadline & go cold turkey. The longer you wait to go halfway (pullups sometimes, underwear other times, etc), the longer it will take.
Barbara, what do you mean by cold turkey?
As in, tomorrow morning I put underwear on him and let him wet himself until he realizes he needs to hold it and use the potty?
Should I plan to stay in all day? (ok I guess thats a given.)
This is the stage we are in now. Andrew has been poopy potty trained for well over a month. He tells me when he has to go and it a done deal. He gets a sticker treat or some M&M's if he prompts and not us (we put him on after dinner if he hasn't gone all day).
The pee-pee is another story. On Friday I put underwear on him that he picked out himself (Bob the Builder!) and 3x he peed in it and never even told me. Same thing all weekend and again today. He doesn't care if he's wet. So it makes me wonder if he's not ready yet. Everyone tells me they get the pee part first before the poops. Not here though.
Not sure where I will go from here. He's in a diaper now for bed. He doesn't seem thrilled by the prospect of getting a treat anymore..... I guess we keep tryig until he's ready.
Posted 1/29/07 10:31 PM |

Member since 5/05 15167 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
Posted by Samlove
They are the only ones that can tell you when they are ready. Dont force it. Sammywas 100% trained during the day by 3 years 3 months. He is 4 1/2 and still is not trained at night .
I think Patrick was the same.
Posted 1/30/07 8:01 AM |

Member since 5/05 1645 total posts
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
DS was trained at 2 years, 11 months. I tried earlier but he wasn't on board. When I decided to wait for him to be ready, he trained in one weekend.
Posted 1/30/07 8:21 AM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
Damien has absolutely no interest in going on the potty at all. He won't even sit on it for us. I know that he is totally ready to be trained. He wakes up dry every morning. He is the only one in his class not trained I am not a big fan of forcing kids to train but as Barb said I think it is more of an control issue at this point. I know if we force the issue and just put him in underwear he will just have accidents and not care at all. It is so frustrating.
Posted 1/30/07 8:27 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/07 311 total posts
Re: Potty Training Boys-BTDT moms!!!
DS was fully day trained (#1 and #2) by 2 years 7 months. Nighttime trained by 2 years 11 months.
Posted 1/30/07 9:13 AM |