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powder vs RTF formula

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Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


powder vs RTF formula

has anyone figured out the price difference? is it MUCH cheaper for powdered or a small savings?

I use RTF right now but after adding up what we are paying a month on diapers,wipes and formula - Im starting to re think the RTF. its so convenient though. will I really be saving so much?


Posted 7/31/06 8:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: powder vs RTF formula

We switched to powder. We got these HUGE canisters of it Similac at Costco and for us it was much cheaper. Our daughter had no problems switching. Though I did like the RTF for the convience.

Posted 7/31/06 8:38 PM

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Re: powder vs RTF formula

I used the powder. RTF was a PITA. Rather than carry full bottles & a baby, it's easier to carry a bottle with powder in it & a baby. All you need to do is ask for warm water.

Posted 7/31/06 8:41 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: powder vs RTF formula

I started with RTF and then switched to powder with no problems. When I go out, I fill some bottles with 6 oz. water, and carry the powder in one of those dispenser thingys. When she needs a bottle, I dump the powder in a bottle of water and mix. So much easier and no cold packs or ice needed to keep the RFT formula cold.

I think the powder is cheaper, but I have no idea by how much.

Message edited 7/31/2006 8:52:35 PM.

Posted 7/31/06 8:52 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: powder vs RTF formula

youve all said you switched with no some children have a problem when you switch from one type to another???

Posted 7/31/06 8:58 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: powder vs RTF formula

Some do have problems with gas. I think - as with everything - you need to give it a little time for their systems to get familiar with the new.

Posted 7/31/06 9:00 PM

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Re: powder vs RTF formula

The diffference wasn't huge it was a couple of cents. But it is cheaper of course. but what a PIA to mix all that formula. take it from one who does. and i only use it to supplement. I can't imagine if I had to do it all the time.

Posted 7/31/06 9:03 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: powder vs RTF formula

Posted by cloddy

The diffference wasn't huge it was a couple of cents. But it is cheaper of course. but what a PIA to mix all that formula. take it from one who does. and i only use it to supplement. I can't imagine if I had to do it all the time.

thats what Im thinking. if its only a few cents cheaper, Im sticking to the RTF - I find that so convenient. It seems like such a PITA to have to mix it all of the time - - but if its cheaper by a lot Id do it.

Posted 7/31/06 9:17 PM

Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

2460 total posts


Re: powder vs RTF formula

I used poweder because it was thinner and more like breastmilk. SHe wouldn't drink the readymade....

Posted 7/31/06 9:46 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: powder vs RTF formula

Posted by aliasPook

I used poweder because it was thinner and more like breastmilk. SHe wouldn't drink the readymade....

I'm doing the same thing for the same reason. Also, I do nuke the bottles of formula for about 20 seconds to take the chill out and then mix it real well. I like the convenience of being able to do that whereas I was told never to nuke BM because of destroying the proteins.

Posted 8/1/06 2:01 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: powder vs RTF formula

I used powder from the first day she came home. She drinks it room temperature. I don't have to worry about where I am going to heat up her bottle if I am out somewhere. It is so much easier.

Posted 8/1/06 8:56 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: powder vs RTF formula

I thought the powder was much cheaper, actually. But I only looked briefly, so maybe not.Chat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 9:06 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: powder vs RTF formula

I use the powder to all the reasons stated above. DD only gets 2-3 bottles a day right now, but I love not having to carry some type of refrid with me when we go out to keep it cold. Plus since gets mostly BM, there's no way i would be able to use the whole RTF bottle in the time allowed when you open it.

I just bought a 30 oz container of powdered Similac advance from Target, paid 22 bucks, it makes 227 ozs of formula.

Message edited 8/1/2006 9:44:13 AM.

Posted 8/1/06 9:43 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: powder vs RTF formula

When ds was on similac you got I think it was 4oz less in the powder compared to the RTF and was about $5 less but it also lasted us 5 days as oppossed to 6 days. He is on Enfamil now and it is about the same except dollar wise as far as difference but oz wise you get less in the can.
ETA: The powder can I was comparing it to was the 27.8oz of powder. I never went to BJ's to purchase it and Idont think they carry Enfamil A.R. their.

Message edited 8/1/2006 11:17:15 AM.

Posted 8/1/06 11:16 AM

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