Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
"Prayer" for infertility (cute)
This is from a blog located Here
Dear (insert relevant deity here),
I’ve been composing this letter in my head all day, and I’m not quite sure where to start.
Firstly, I’m really not a praying kind of girl. But I’m going to have to start somewhere. Because this is getting tired. I’ve kind of doubted your existence at times, especially after my cousin and his wife were killed a long way from home on their honeymoon in a tragic accident; when I read the paper and see people hurting children and harming animals; when world leaders blow up innocent people; when you allow me the hope of getting pregnant not once, not twice, but THREE times- only to deny me a healthy baby each and every time.
I’ve always lived a fairly good life. Ok so I’ve partied some (ok lots) and been frivolous with money, had some **** taste in men and made some craptacular decisions; but I’ve never intentionally hurt anyone. I’ve never stolen anything, or hit anyone- in fact I’ve tried my hardest to be a good friend, daughter, wife, granddaughter, cousin- all of the me’s I can be. I’ve tried to help others- mainly by setting up a support group for those that have lost babies where there wasn’t one in the state that I live in. I even swerve to avoid animals in the road.
In saying all these things, if you are out there and you can hear me- I’m asking you a favour. I really really really really really want a baby. A healthy baby, a product of me and my Boy. I want to be a Mum. I want to make lunches, mud pies, ride bikes, go to the zoo, go camping, and do all the things my Mum did with me when I was growing up. I want to have a relationship with my adult child, be a grandmother and all the things so many people take for granted.
I haven’t asked anything of you so far, but I just don’t know how much more I can take. I’m close to the edge now, and I’m really asking for your help to make my dream a reality. OK so I’m not so important in the big scheme of things, and I’m sure you have a lot on your plate each and every day, but if you can spare just a small miracle down this bit of the world, I will be eternally grateful