I would appreciate it if everyone could say a quick prayer for my good friend's baby- she's 1 month old and in hospital- they don't know what is wrong w. her, but she hasn't eaten since Friday....
If you could say a quick prayer for sophia, I'd appreciate it.
It appears that the baby has infantile botulism.. this affects only 100 children each year. They have given her the medicine and she is responding well to it- she is expected to make a full recovery. they have her on a feeding tube so she is now getting nutrition.
They think she got this b/c her grandmother (who isn't from this country & doesn't speak English) put honey on the baby's bottle to get her to drink... well, honey oftentimes has botulism spores and it isn't recommended to give babies under 6 months honey.
Thank you for all your prayers and please continue to pray that she makes a full recovery.