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Love my girls
Member since 7/10 3580 total posts
Pregnancy comparison
Anyone have 2 different pregnancies but end up with the same sex? Just curious. I'm dying to know what's in there! This pregnancy is different than the last so I'm wondering if this one is a boy!
Posted 9/13/14 8:51 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult
Member since 2/12 1789 total posts
Re: Pregnancy comparison
Yes! I felt very different in my first trimester of this pregnancy than my first. I was convinced I was having a boy, bc my first is a girl. I was so surprised when I found out I was having another girl.
Posted 9/13/14 8:54 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/05 4675 total posts
Re: Pregnancy comparison
Well, I had 2 very similar pregnancies and ended up with a boy then girl!
Posted 9/13/14 9:09 PM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
Pregnancy comparison
I'm having two completely different pregnancies - symptoms are different, I look different, I'm carrying different. I had a boy the first time and his brother will be here 22 months after he was born. I knew from the beginning I was having a boy though - had a dream about it as soon as I got pregnant and just felt like mother's intuition would be right (as it was for my first DS).
Posted 9/13/14 9:57 PM |
Re: Pregnancy comparison
completely different - same gender!
Posted 9/13/14 10:07 PM |
Love my girls
Member since 7/10 3580 total posts
Re: Pregnancy comparison
Thanks ladies! I'm si impatient. I'm convinced it's a boy, but who knows!
Posted 9/14/14 7:33 AM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: Pregnancy comparison
my two were different in many ways and different sex each time
Posted 9/14/14 8:24 AM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: Pregnancy comparison
I am having pretty much the exact same pregnancy with DD that I had with DS. So far!!! I had MS from 6-8 weeks exactly with both and had similar symptoms like headaches and exact same food cravings.
Posted 9/14/14 12:49 PM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: Pregnancy comparison
My pregnancy has been quite different - we are
Posted 9/14/14 9:49 PM |
i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14 2008 total posts
Name: L
Pregnancy comparison
yes my friend did and they were both boys.
Posted 9/15/14 9:10 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/10 4399 total posts
Pregnancy comparison
Crashing here - two completely opposite pregnancies and had two girls. DD1 I was so sick, had crazy sore boobs and was just exhausted. Felt terrible all 9 months. DD2 never got sick, never had sore boobs and the only food aversion I had (and still have oddly) is arugula! I swore DD2 was a boy until my 20w appt, even though they told me girl at my 12w sono.
Posted 9/15/14 9:57 AM |
Love my girls
Member since 7/10 3580 total posts
Re: Pregnancy comparison
Thanks again ladies! I don't know what to think now after reading all of your responses!
Posted 9/15/14 1:58 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Re: Pregnancy comparison
Posted by Lannasmama
Thanks again ladies! I don't know what to think now after reading all of your responses!
I was thinking the same thing. I've had pretty similar pregnancies but it will be 3 more months before we see what's in there. These answers aren't really giving any hints!
Posted 9/15/14 2:09 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Pregnancy comparison
My co worker couldn't have had more different pregnancies. First was a cake walk barely showed worked up to the end. 2 nd she was sick for the entire time pulled out of work showed very early and both were girls.
Another co worker has 3 girls and swears they were all completely different.
Posted 9/16/14 4:51 PM |