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Pregnancy the 2nd (or 3rd,4th,etc) time around..

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My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Pregnancy the 2nd (or 3rd,4th,etc) time around..

I am 11 weeks. I have gained 10 lbs.Chat Icon I swear most of that is my giant boobs!

But anywho, that is exactly what I gained with Ava- 1lb a week for 42 weeks!

The way I look is way different this time. With Ava, I got the big boobs right away and then a cute bump, that grew enormous. I didn't look pg from behind, but when I turned around, watch out, all belly.

This time, no cute bump, just enormous boobs and a weird spare tire. I'm talking front, side and back fat -eeewww!! What is this????

Did you look different with each pregnancy??? Or is it just me??? WIll I be destined to wear cotton sweat suits and MuMus for the rest of my life???

Message edited 3/6/2008 2:49:15 PM.

Posted 3/6/08 2:47 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: Pregnancy the 2nd (or 3rd,4th,etc) time around..

I think I'm pretty much the same as last time.

Posted 3/6/08 3:06 PM


Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: Pregnancy the 2nd (or 3rd,4th,etc) time around..

I started showing earlier, but now I'm carrying pretty much exactly the same, and my weight gain is identical.

Posted 3/6/08 3:10 PM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

2486 total posts


Re: Pregnancy the 2nd (or 3rd,4th,etc) time around..

I'm currently 30w and have already gained 26lbs. When I was PG w/my DD I gained 30lbs, looks like I'll have even MORE to lose this time around. Chat Icon

Maybe I should stop eating ice cream every night Chat Icon

Posted 3/6/08 3:14 PM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

4546 total posts


Re: Pregnancy the 2nd (or 3rd,4th,etc) time around..

i am starting to show earlier this tiem around. I also asked a similar question b/c i seem to be carrying more fat on the sides of my stomach and carrying a bit lower. i

ETA: I also notice that my boobs seem to be a bit bigger earlier on this time around.

Message edited 3/6/2008 3:53:01 PM.

Posted 3/6/08 3:52 PM

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