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Pregnant and going to the gym

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Pregnant and going to the gym

Who is still going to the gym? I still go, but I feel as if walking on the treadmill for 30 min. is BORING but I guess its better than nothing. Is anyone still lifting weights?

Posted 11/21/06 9:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I was going on the stationary bike till last week, now I just keep hitting my legs on my belly. I did not lift at all, I should have, my arms are shot.

Posted 11/21/06 9:47 AM


Member since 5/05

20997 total posts


Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

Im 17wks and go to the gym. I would of been going since I got pg but couldnt by doc orders.

Now I go 3/4x a wk and do cardio, elliptical or the treadmill for 45min-hr or sometimes less.

I intend on going until I cant do it anymore. I want to keep in shape and my weight off or make it easier to get it off after the baby.

I want to do weights but I feel I need a partner to do it but have done it at least 1x/wk.

Message edited 11/21/2006 9:55:26 AM.

Posted 11/21/06 9:53 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I find that I sleep so much better the nights after workouts

Posted 11/21/06 9:58 AM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

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Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I was doing the bike up until 2 weeks ago. Now i just dont hazve the energy and i feel drained and sick. I am going to start back on the bike and treadmill in the second trimester

Posted 11/21/06 10:33 AM

Love my sailor

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Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I go and run/elliptical/bike. I also do weights for my arms. Yesterday I caught a jazzercize program on local TV and jumped around to that and it felt good. I use a few rules:

I do it if it feels good-if not I won't.
I do cardio and keep it at a level where I can have a conversation. Anything above that is too strenuous so I cut back effort.
I keep my body cool with fans, A/C, level of effort, and water. Overheating is a very bad thing.

Posted 11/21/06 10:38 AM


Member since 5/05

5754 total posts


Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

i'm still doing the elliptical at teh gym, and some arm exercises with weights and i go to my cardio kickboxing class still but i curb my jumping around.

Posted 11/21/06 10:48 AM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I still go to Curves which is weights and cardio. I just don't go at the same pace as before. Plus I dropped my Ashtanga yoga to pre-natal.

Posted 11/21/06 11:21 AM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

5843 total posts


Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I would love to go and walk on the mill or something, but my DH won't let me go, he says i have to wait so i just make sure i walk alot everyday around work or at home...

Posted 11/21/06 11:24 AM


Member since 10/06

4563 total posts


Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

glad you posted this. i used to run on an everyday basis. i thought i would be a runner throughout my pregnancy but had some "scares" in the very early weeks so now i am just walking and i am SO BORED. plus i feel fatter than ever b/c the intensity is gone, i don't eat sugar free stuff, and i'm basically hungry all the timeChat Icon
just tried the eliptical today and found that if i did it gently i wasn't bouncing around too much. at least it's a change!

Posted 11/21/06 12:04 PM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

8044 total posts


Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I stopped with the spinning and step class. But I use the treadmill and take yoga.

Posted 11/21/06 12:24 PM


Member since 8/06

1730 total posts


Message edited 3/5/2010 1:32:13 PM.

Posted 11/21/06 1:26 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I was in pretty good shape before getting pregnant, but I was put on modified bedrest from the beginning due to spotting. I was given the ok to go back to exercising in the 2nd tri, but I didn't. So it's back to square one for me after she's bornChat Icon

Posted 11/21/06 1:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/06

1623 total posts


Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I'm going to the gym and had signed up for trainer sessions before I found out I was PG. So, basically, I'm going 1x's a week to do weight training w/ a trainer and then, a few times just to get cardio in. I have a severe back back problem... and when I gain to much weight, my back goes out Chat Icon I'm in big big trouble come May/June and July!!!!!

Posted 11/21/06 2:23 PM

My Everything!

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Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I have been so busy, tired, and hungry - but I do go try and do elliptical.... I was in good shape before the pregnancy - working out almost everyday, so I don't feel like I'm getting out of shape - I'm pretty active most of the day.... I figured I could bounce back after the baby is born if my muscle tone goes.... I build muscle pretty easily....

Posted 11/21/06 3:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1420 total posts


Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I go to the gym and pretty much just walk on the tread mill and do some occasional weights.. Nothing to heavy just 8 or 10 pounds

Posted 11/21/06 3:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/06

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Re: Pregnant and going to the gym

I go to the gym & do treadmill (fast walking) bike or sometimes elliptical--although I found the elliptical sometimes raises my heartbeat too much.

Lately I've been too tired to go, although I feel so much better after I go.

Posted 11/21/06 6:38 PM

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