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pregnant but don't feel it.

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LIF Zygote

Member since 10/16

2 total posts


pregnant but don't feel it.

I have two children already. I had a miscarriage before each of those births, so two in total.
I am pregnant again (just about 6 weeks) and I feel nothing. I know what it feels like to be pregnant and I know what it feels like to think i am pregnant and am really not feeling this. This doesn't feel right again. My doctor said she does't want to see me until 8 weeks so she can see a heartbeat but I don't know if I can wait that long. Is it crazy to call my doctor and ask what they can do for me? She is not a fertitilty specialist, just a regular doctor so I'm assuming going for blood work and all that stuff she would't do right?
I'm very coflicted and i just don't know if I should feel this anxious or what to do about it.

Posted 10/9/16 2:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/12

2912 total posts


Re: pregnant but don't feel it.

At 6 weeks, I really didnt feel pregnant either, so don't let that scare you.
It's not crazy to ask for tests. They just dont usually do it because there isn't much they can do. IMO, having had miscarriages before is a good enough reason to want early testing.
If they can't fit you in earlier, you can ask them to send a script to your lab for HCG and progesterone. They can put in the scripts electronically. And, if you ask to go back for the same 2-3 days later, you can see how the hcg is rising. The progesterone I would test because it's something easy to supplement if low and some believe that can help prevent miscarriage. My Dr doesn't usually test progesterone, but she agreed to test and also supplement me.
Personally, I wouldn't want an ultrasound earlier than when you should be able to hear the heartbeat.

Posted 10/10/16 12:02 AM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: pregnant but don't feel it.

If you're just about 6 weeks, it's not too soon to see something on the sono. I'd schedule an appointment now based on your history and because anxiety is not good for you or the baby. It's not at all unreasonable to request a sono at this point, and not too soon either. In my pregnancies, sonos start at 5 weeks.

Good luck!!

Posted 10/11/16 8:38 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/11

128 total posts


Re: pregnant but don't feel it.

My dr. had me come in at 6 weeks for a sono. I also had bloodwork done 2 times (48 hours apart) to make sure my numbers were increasing. I think the bloodwork was actually done before 6 weeks.

After 2 miscarriages, it would have been really hard for me to wait until 8 weeks so I totally get it. Maybe if you call and explain, they will see you earlier?

Posted 10/11/16 3:52 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 10/16

2 total posts


Re: pregnant but don't feel it.

Thanks everyone! I am going to call her tomorrow when she is in the office. I need something besides one 8 week appointment! Appreciate all of your advice

Posted 10/11/16 4:12 PM

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