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Prices for procedures

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1 year already!!

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Prices for procedures

Since my insurance won't cover any of these I thought I'd post the prices so that you ladies could let me know if this is the average price or other drs are less/more. DH and I are going to have pay for everything! Thanks!

Consultations $60-250
Office visits $40-100
Sonograms $225
Bloodowork (each individual test) $70-75
IUI procedure $350
Basic IVF cycle w/cycle monitoring $7300
IVF procedure only $4000
Frozen embryo transfer w/o monitoring $1000
Frozen embryo transfer cycle w/monitoring $2500
Frozen embryo transfer cycle w/monitoring and AH $3000
Anesthesia $700
Cryopreservation of Embryos (inc. 6 mos. of storage) $1000
Embryo storage fee (quarterly) $195
Cyropreservation of sperm $300
Assisted Hatching (AH) $500
ICSI $2500
Ultrasonic Guidance at Embryo Transfer $300

FYI: this price list came from Reproductive Specialists of NY

Posted 6/24/05 8:44 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Prices for procedures

Donna, First, thank you for the will be helpful since I will be going to RSof NY next week. Second, I cannot belive your ins doesn't cover ANYTHING!?!?! OMG! Chat Icon Have you looked in to possibly getting suplemental insurance? I'm sorry your co. doesn't cover anything.

Posted 6/24/05 9:03 AM

1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

3360 total posts


Re: Prices for procedures

Posted by kelleherkm

Donna, First, thank you for the will be helpful since I will be going to RSof NY next week. Second, I cannot belive your ins doesn't cover ANYTHING!?!?! OMG! Chat Icon Have you looked in to possibly getting suplemental insurance? I'm sorry your co. doesn't cover anything.

Thanks Kathy! Well for now all of the initial testing/consultation/bloodwork is covered, according to my insurance co once I am diagnosed infertile they stop paying, but until I do I'm covered.

Posted 6/24/05 10:09 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Prices for procedures

Posted by Donna

Posted by kelleherkm

Donna, First, thank you for the will be helpful since I will be going to RSof NY next week. Second, I cannot belive your ins doesn't cover ANYTHING!?!?! OMG! Chat Icon Have you looked in to possibly getting suplemental insurance? I'm sorry your co. doesn't cover anything.

Thanks Kathy! Well for now all of the initial testing/consultation/bloodwork is covered, according to my insurance co once I am diagnosed infertile they stop paying, but until I do I'm covered.

Oh yes...isn't that great? My ins. co. pays for the diagnosis of infertility but NOT the treatment...well, not too much of it anyway. They'll pay for the HSG, the laperscopy, etc...but not too much else. DH and I were already thinking about selling our boat and getting a pool, but now I think we shold sell the boat and bank the $ for the "infertility fund"

Posted 6/24/05 10:22 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Prices for procedures

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
OMG, that is absolutely insane how much this stuff costs, especially considering that 90% of the insurance companies barely cover any of it! And, yet, somehow, men can get prescriptions left and right for Viagra, and it's covered by insurance... this world just doesn't make any sense

Posted 6/24/05 10:42 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Prices for procedures

NYS actually has a law that you insurance company must provide some coverage (even if it is a limited amount- I think the limit is 10K lifetime) UNLESS it is a self-funded company. I have 1199 which is my union and they fall under self-funded so they only pay up to the diagnosis. Luckily I have Oxford secondary though my husband so they pay some, but not alot, this stuff adds up quickly.

Posted 6/24/05 8:01 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Prices for procedures

I work in health insurance. Monday I will go online at work and tell you how much we pay for each procedure to a typical DR. That will help. YOU can tell the DR that if they were participating, or your insurance covered it, this is how much they would pay. Dr's ( well some) DO NEGOTIATE prices. You just have to push it a little bit, see if they bite.

I do know we Pay $245 a session for Artifical Insemination. Thats for a NYC Dr too, the highest cost in NY.

Posted 6/24/05 8:09 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Prices for procedures

Had my appt with RE of NY yesterday and my doc said a normal IVF cycle costs more than $10K. Chat Icon

Message edited 6/24/2005 11:36:08 PM.

Posted 6/24/05 11:09 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

2391 total posts


Re: Prices for procedures

Another thing to consider though (trying to be optimistic here): My RE has something called shared responsibility whereby you pay for two cycles up front ($20K+), and if you do not have a viable pregnancy after two cycles, they will pay for the cost of IVF only (not meds, U/S, bloodwork, etc.) for up to six cycles. If you decide to opt out of IVF at any given point, you will be reimbursed 70%! If your doctor doesn't mention it, ask.

Message edited 6/24/2005 11:40:09 PM.

Posted 6/24/05 11:35 PM

She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Prices for procedures

Posted by Susan

Another thing to consider though (trying to be optimistic here): My RE has something called shared responsibility whereby you pay for two cycles up front ($20K+), and if you do not have a viable pregnancy after two cycles, they will pay for the cost of IVF only (not meds, U/S, bloodwork, etc.) for up to six cycles. If you decide to opt out of IVF at any given point, you will be reimbursed 70%! If your doctor doesn't mention it, ask.

WOW! that sounds like a good deal! 20K is still a lot of money! Chat Icon However, it looks like a great opportunity!

Good Luck!

Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/05 7:07 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Prices for procedures

I also read about a different kind of shared program for IVF.
It's where you share the cost of your cycle with a family when the woman can't produce eggs of her own. When you do the egg retrieval, the other woman gets half the eggs and she pays for half the cost of the injectables and the egg retrieval.
I don't know any further information though because I only read about it in passing.
Perhaps it's something you would like to research and consider though.

Posted 6/25/05 8:16 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Prices for procedures

Posted by Donna

Posted by kelleherkm

Donna, First, thank you for the will be helpful since I will be going to RSof NY next week. Second, I cannot belive your ins doesn't cover ANYTHING!?!?! OMG! Chat Icon Have you looked in to possibly getting suplemental insurance? I'm sorry your co. doesn't cover anything.

Thanks Kathy! Well for now all of the initial testing/consultation/bloodwork is covered, according to my insurance co once I am diagnosed infertile they stop paying, but until I do I'm covered.

I had insurance like that too until I changed insurance companies...I paid about $5,000 in 2 months for 2 months of monitoring and IUI' adds up fast!

Posted 6/25/05 9:01 AM

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