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Problems with Similac Advance?

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When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05

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Because 2 people fell in love

Problems with Similac Advance?

DD has been very fussy the past few days. On Thursday she would SCREAM when passing gas or having a BM (4 messy ones). And she only wanted to be held to stop her from crying. Friday seemed slightly better but still the same issues, only the screaming wasn't as bad. Today she has been okay but I just realized she has not had a BM since 7AM and some feedings isn't eating the whole 3 oz she normally takes. I asked her pediatrician yesterday if she could be reacting to her formula but she didn't want to switch her.

Could the Similac Advance be making her like this?

Posted 8/11/07 9:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Problems with Similac Advance?

It could just be her stomach starting to process more. Noahs issues started out around that time and the Ped said give it a little longer, he didnt get better till we switched formulas...but the ped said a lot of times there stomachs are learning how to work and this could happen.

Sound snormal, but I would watch and make sure its no mroe then a week or so like that...if she still seems to have issues, I woudl ask the ped about the formula for sure.....

Posted 8/11/07 9:42 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: Problems with Similac Advance?

Well with BM at that age Kerri went every other could be a number of things...I guess if your ped says wait then wait and seeChat Icon

Posted 8/11/07 9:44 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Problems with Similac Advance?

Steven didn't do well on the Similac Advance. He was very fussy and gassy. I switched him on my own to Gentlease. What is the reason for not wanting to switch, do you know? I would switch her. If her stools were mucusy than that could be an indication of an allergy. What do YOU think? If you think switching her can help, then I'd switch her. Nobody knows your baby better than you.

Good luckChat Icon

Posted 8/11/07 9:47 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Problems with Similac Advance?

Posted by Moehick

Well with BM at that age Kerri went every other could be a number of things...I guess if your ped says wait then wait and seeChat Icon

I meant to say...FF babies don't always go every single day.

Posted 8/11/07 9:48 PM

When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05

11997 total posts

Because 2 people fell in love

Re: Problems with Similac Advance?

Thanks everyone. You made me feel better!

Her pediatrician did not want to switch her after just 2 days of her being like this - she wanted me to watch her BM and gas w/screams for the weekend. She mentioned that sometimes switching formula can create other problems (constipation).

DD gets mostly formula but I am also pumping BM but not enough to keep up with her feedings. Knowing FF babies don't have as many BM makes me feel better since she's had mostly formula since the middle of last night.

Thanks everyone for giving me some peace of mind Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/07 10:12 PM

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