Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Progesteron levels at 3 DPO?
My Dr.'s office just called to tell me that I O'd (knew that). So I had to ask for my progesteron level, which is the reason I went there this mroning. I was told it is 6.06 today - 3 dpo-- but the nurse does not know if that is high, low or normal. They suggest I return on Monday or Tuesday. Not sure why tho....
Anyone know if this is a good level for 3dpo??
Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05 2220 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Progesteron levels at 3 DPO?
I sent you FM. Kara, the reason they may want you to return is to test you again. Some clinics average out the progesterone levels, to see if they give a mean score of 10 or higher. Progesterone is a gonadotropin and has a pulse like secretion. In other words the levels can change every hour. It makes an erratic graph.
Definitely ask for the suppositories. Your level can very well go up but, I believe suppositories should be given to all women who have miscarried, without explanation for chromosomal reasons.
The progesterone level peaks at about 7 dpo. That is why, they test at that time. However, the quicker the progesterone intervention the better chance the uterus has to be ready for implantation.
Every cycle, my progesterone was low. So now I am told before 7 dpo to start taking them. My RE at RSNY wanted me to take them at 2 dpo...but Dr. Spandorfer at Cornell, suggested I wait till about 4/5 dpo. I was taking them 2x a day instructed by RS, but Dr. Spandorfer, said to take them 3x a day.
I posted this before, but I will again. It's so important. It's written by Dr. Alan Beer, who is a reproductive immunologist and looks at infertility very differently than most reproductive endocrinologists.
Progesterone is first produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary and production from this site is necessary for the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. From implantation of the embryo onwards for 40 weeks the placenta takes over the production of progesterone (see graph). The levels of progesterone increase dramatically all throughout pregnancy. Progesterone production is necessary for the safe maintenance of pregnancy and all pregnancies will fail if progesterone production is too low.
Many women with infertility, implantation failures and/or miscarriages produce low levels of progesterone as seen in the bottom line of the graph. These women require progesterone supplementation to bring them into the safe levels (see thick line, which indicates mean values, on graph and limits of two standard deviations of the mean). Based on my experience in treating autoimmune women, this supplementation must continue until the 16th week is completed.
Progesterone-like steroid medication has a variety of effects on the immune system. This type of medication
Blocks inflammation that can lead to scarring and damage to the placenta
Blocks the T cells and the B cells (lymphocytes) that can cause rejection of the placenta
Blocks the natural killer cells from releasing factors such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) that can damage the placenta and the lining of the uterus
Prevents lymphocytes from wandering into the placenta, sticking there and doing damage
Causes an increase in HCG production by the placenta, and HCG and progesterone block the killing power of NK cells
Prevents prostaglandin production by the uterus and stops contractions from occurring Causes the cervix to produce a cervical plug that is rich in antibodies, which prevent germs and viruses from gaining access to the baby and the placenta
When progesterone supplementation is given to a mother, its half life in the blood is very short. In four minutes it begins to be excreted rapidly into the urine. The most efficient route to take the progesterone to insure the best blood levels and the longest survival of the progesterone in the blood is to use vaginal suppositories. The next best route of administration is to take injections of progesterone. The least effective is to take the progesterone by mouth.
Message edited 1/6/2006 5:44:30 PM.