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Question about car dealerships... for someone who knows somebody who works in one and can give me an answer. THanks.

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

333 total posts


Question about car dealerships... for someone who knows somebody who works in one and can give me an answer. THanks.

DH and I recently put a deposit on a car. This was on August 14th. We want a specific car.... black, gray interior, no extras. Long story short, they said they would "locate" a car for us since the dealer didn't have one. It's now the 18th and they still can't give us a definite answer.... they say they located one but can't get the guy on the phone who they need to talk to to see if he will trade cars with them.

My question: What is the reason they string us along like this? If they truly didn't locate a car but say they have, why would they? This has happened to us once before. Is it to keep our deposit to the end of the month so it looks like they had a sale and get credit? What other reasons? Should I call back and say anything specific or just go get our deposit? Thanks. Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/05 2:11 PM
Long Island Weddings
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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Question about car dealerships... for someone who knows somebody who works in one and can give me an answer. THanks.

Sometimes the locates do take a long time. I know that from when I worked at a dealership. if it's a hot car and you want something rare, it'll be especially bad (a lot fo times the basic car is rare). They have to trade something back and sometimes they don't have it. i know back in the day we had to beg, borrow and steal to get silver cars. I would just keep asking them why the delay and if it extends and they can't give you a satisfacory answer, then go elsewhere.

I don't know if keeping your deposiot until the end of the month woud so anything for them since each sale needs to be linked toa vin # and yours isn't yet. I'm not 100% on this. But anyway I don't think 4 days is that long to wait on a locate. It's in their bnest interestto get you the car, they may be having a hard time getting someone to give it up.

Posted 8/18/05 2:18 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Question about car dealerships... for someone who knows somebody who works in one and can give me an answer. THanks.

I spoke with DH, who works at a dealership...he said that it is possible that they need to speak with a specific person, OR that they already spoke to the person, who won't do the trade so they are looking into if it's worth them paying extra shipping to get it from a further dealership.

He said that you don't get any kind of credit towards a car until it is "delivered" (until the customer picks it up) so they wouldn;t be holding your deposit for that.

He said he'd give them until Tuesday, and if they don't have a definate answer, you should pick up your deposit.

Feel free to FM me if you have any ??'s

Posted 8/18/05 3:26 PM


Member since 5/05

3664 total posts


Re: Question about car dealerships... for someone who knows somebody who works in one and can give me an answer. THanks.

The dealers know the deposit means BS because you can always get it back.

If they truly feel they can't get you the car... they will just give you the money back.

If you made the deposit on a credit card... they only have so many days to refund the card before they lose their 1-2% or whatever it is fee they would have to pay to Visa/Mastercard.

Locates can take time. A lot of dealers don't like to trade cars so your dealer may have a tough time finding one.

If you had such specific requests for the type of car you wanted... you should have done the locating yourself and travelled for it.

Most car websites have inventory searches.

If you take a car from a dealer's lot... you will ALWAYS get a better deal on the car and save money over a trade or vechicle order. Fact Fact Fact!

Posted 8/18/05 3:45 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

333 total posts


Re: Question about car dealerships... for someone who knows somebody who works in one and can give me an answer. THanks.

Thank you so much for your help. I actually just heard back from the dealership, and they got the car. YIPPEE! No need to stress anymore. Chat Icon I really appreciate all of your help! THANKS..... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/05 4:02 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Question about car dealerships... for someone who knows somebody who works in one and can give me an answer. THanks.

Best of luck with the new car!

I'm gald they could find it for you...but yes yhou save a LOT by taking something off the lot.

Posted 8/18/05 7:32 PM

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