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question about constipated baby

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Mommy of 2!!!

Member since 5/08

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question about constipated baby

My DD is 4 weeks old and i think shes constipated. shes pushing really hard and only a small piece will come out and its super hard. is there anything i can give her to help soften it up?

Posted 8/8/08 12:26 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Boys!

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Re: question about constipated baby

Try a little water.

Posted 8/8/08 12:32 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: question about constipated baby

At that age, my daughter was super constipated. After trying diluted prune juice, a vegetable laxative, etc., I gave her 2 oz. of water inbetween feedings adn low and behold, it took care of her problem. She had chronic constipation from her formula, and this worked well.

What you can try for immediate results is some vaseline on a q-tip in the, um, affected area. Good luck. It's so hard to see them that way.

Posted 8/8/08 12:33 AM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

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Re: question about constipated baby

Posted by prncss

At that age, my daughter was super constipated. After trying diluted prune juice, a vegetable laxative, etc., I gave her 2 oz. of water inbetween feedings adn low and behold, it took care of her problem. She had chronic constipation from her formula, and this worked well.

What you can try for immediate results is some vaseline on a q-tip in the, um, affected area. Good luck. It's so hard to see them that way.

The Qtip or thermometer trick works well and my Dr. preferred this over giving her water so she wouldnt get empty calories.

Posted 8/8/08 12:36 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

8069 total posts


Re: question about constipated baby

My DD was older than that when she got constipated, but one of the things that worked was a warm bath. (with her bum completely submerged in the water.)

Posted 8/8/08 7:39 AM

Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06

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Re: question about constipated baby

We did a suppository but that was only after he had skipped like 5 days of not going at all.

eta: he was like 10 or 12 weeks at the time

Message edited 8/8/2008 7:42:50 AM.

Posted 8/8/08 7:42 AM

My Girls

Member since 11/06

9543 total posts


Re: question about constipated baby

My Dr told me to put some prune juice in her formula bottle and her her water as well. We also put her on the gentleEase formula when I stopped breastfeeding.

Posted 8/8/08 8:38 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/07

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Re: question about constipated baby

Posted by ChrisDee

My Dr told me to put some prune juice in her formula bottle and her her water as well. We also put her on the gentleEase formula when I stopped breastfeeding.

DS gets a tsp of prune juice a day due to his chronic constipation. It works okay. I think I mat try the water thing since he will be starting solids.

Posted 8/8/08 8:52 AM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: question about constipated baby

My son had the same problem and he was in definite pain too! It was horrible to watch and not be able to do anything.

We tried the thermometer trick and that didn't work. We tried some diluted prune juice and that didn't work either.

We had to switch formulas from similac advanced, to Gentlease, to Similac Alimentum and that did the trick. Chat Icon

Posted 8/8/08 8:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1050 total posts


Re: question about constipated baby

my doctor had me add a teaspoon of corn syrup per 3 ozs of formula (the light one ) to her bottle and that did the trick. I actually cut it down to 1/2 teaspoon and that still worked i thought a teaspoon was to much.

Posted 8/8/08 9:38 AM

My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07

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Re: question about constipated baby

Posted by BabyFever

my doctor had me add a teaspoon of corn syrup per 3 ozs of formula (the light one ) to her bottle and that did the trick. I actually cut it down to 1/2 teaspoon and that still worked i thought a teaspoon was to much.

Thats what we did - Karo syrup. Worked amazingly well!

Posted 8/8/08 10:03 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: question about constipated baby

A few ounces of water

Posted 8/8/08 10:04 AM

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