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LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Question re: the First Doctor's Appt.
I called to schedule my first doctor's visit yesterday and they gave me an appointment for when I will be 8 almost 9 weeks because that would be the best time for the sonogram. That is four weeks from now. I see on the boards that many people have their first visit well before this for blood work etc. While others do not have their first visit until after 8 weeks.
Is there any down side to having to wait the 8 weeks? Should I push to have a blood test sooner? Should I push to make the first appointment a week or two earlier? I'm just wondering if I am taking any chances waiting this long?
Thanks ladies
Posted 12/28/06 11:37 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Question re: the First Doctor's Appt.
those that go sooner for confirmation via blood test results are often those that have suffered m/c or have been dealing with infertility.
they wait till 8-9 weeks so that you can see and hear the heartbeat and the fetus is large enough to properly meaure and date your pregnancy.
IE: this Pg I went at 8 weeks 4 days and the fetus was measuring 8 weeks 1 day. We also heard the heartbeat.
Posted 12/28/06 11:53 AM |

Member since 9/06 2365 total posts
Re: Question re: the First Doctor's Appt.
I had my first appt at about 7 weeks. They did not take any blood since they saw enough to confirm that I was pregnant. I am going back in 2 weeks for a more in depth I am not sure what will happen then. They did mention a full physical--
Posted 12/28/06 11:58 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/06 1464 total posts
Re: Question re: the First Doctor's Appt.
I had first sono at 6 weeks, but that was at RE. First OB appointment at 6.5 weeks - yes, it was a very busy week , and going back in two weeks, will be exactly nine weeks. But 0 I had been dealing with infertility, and I agree, most early appointment are for people who had been seeing a RE or recurrent miscarriages. honestly, there is not much a doc can do at this point anyhow
Posted 12/28/06 12:00 PM |
Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05 1151 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Question re: the First Doctor's Appt.
Our first appt and sono (6.5 weeks) we didnt see anything but the flickering heartbeat
2 weeks later we saw a very noticable developing child
I dont think your missing much besides confirmation that it is in there doing SOMETHING!
Posted 12/28/06 2:44 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 11/06 80 total posts
Re: Question re: the First Doctor's Appt.
I guess every doctor is different. My first appointment is 1/11 and I will be 8wks and 1 day. I guess we will just have to be a little patient.
Posted 12/28/06 2:47 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Question re: the First Doctor's Appt.
Thanks for the responses ladies! It helps to know that this is not abnormal. I just worry that maybe going in sooner is better than later and I want to do the best thing as we all do! I guess I have to start learning some patience!
Posted 12/29/06 10:25 AM |