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Question regarding constipation in babies...please help!

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Question regarding constipation in babies...please help!

My son Lucas is 2 and a half months old and has been constipated for the past 2 weeks. Prior to that, he had no problems..quite the opposite actually. Lucas has been on Similac Advance since birth and seems to have responded very well to it. He does get gassy and fussy from time to time but nothing out of the ordinary.

I'm not sure what changed, but he has a lot of trouble going to the bathroom now. Sorry for TMI, but his stools are hard and he seems to be in a great deal of discomfort. I have spoken to his pediatric group several times and had an appointment with one of the doctors yesterday. He has not been sleeping well and spends a good portion of the day crying or just fussy - not typically him.

It was recommended that we add water to his formula and give him prune juice and increase the amount of prune juice if necessary. But nothing seems to work. The pediatrican said I could use child glycerin suppositories which I did, and they worked like a charm, but I don't want to use them on a regular basis.

The pediatrician said switching formulas would not help for constipation specifically, and that the prune juice/water combination would eventually help.

But Lucas hasn't had a bowel movement in 2 days again and seems to be really uncomfortable.

I'm just not sure what to do at this point. I feel terrible for him and wish I knew of something that would work. I'm just wondering what worked for you guys, if anything.


ETA - He has gone to the bathroom this week, but not without the aid of a suppository.

Message edited 3/23/2007 12:11:12 AM.

Posted 3/23/07 12:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Question regarding constipation in babies...please help!

I have also heard that pear juice can be helpful. Sorry I can't be more of a help. Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/07 8:15 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Question regarding constipation in babies...please help!

What you described sounds exactly like what my son went through, same time, symptoms etc...

Honestly I wouldn't go crazy with the suppositories (I know you aren't)..they lead to dependency and then he'll need them everytime he goes.

The prune juice really will takes about 2 days to work i think. This is what we did and have had minimal probs since then..

When you are preparing his bottle and making say 4 ounces...use 4 and a half ounces of water and 2 scoops of formula. The extra water will help soften the stool. Also, try 3/4 of a teaspoon of prune every other bottle or every third bottle until he starts to go regularly. You'll know whether to up the amount of juice or scale back depending on how it time i overdid it, and he had very watery poop. We just cut back the juice a little and it was perfect.

I know what you're going through, it stinks! Its terrible when they are crying with gas/constipation pains. Prune really does work...just may take time to absorb in his body and for it work but it should! Good luck to you :)

Posted 3/23/07 8:43 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Question regarding constipation in babies...please help!

DD has always had constipation issues and even now at 10.5 months old still does.

She's on Similac Advance too, and we were told the same, switching formulas wont' help.

At every bottle when she was younger we used to add 1oz extra of water to each bottle. So for a 5oz bottle, we made it like it was 4oz-2 scoops to 5oz's of water. Watering down the bottles at every feeding really helped her stay regular and kept her stools soft and not as formed.

We used pear juice, 1oz of pear to 1oz of water too. Or we used to incorporate the 1oz of pear juice in her bottle.

There were times she didn't go for 3 days, our doc wasn't concerned as long as she did go within 5 days. We didn't use suppositories at all.

Good luckChat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 3/23/2007 8:52:13 AM.

Posted 3/23/07 8:51 AM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: Question regarding constipation in babies...please help!

DS was having a similar problem. My ped reccomended that I give him an ounce or two of sugar water every day... seperate from his formula. I actually use sleepytime tea w/ sugar every night b4 bed. I use 1/4 tsp. of sugar for every 2 ounces... It works great.

Posted 3/23/07 9:47 AM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

4461 total posts


Re: Question regarding constipation in babies...please help!

I have given my son pear juice mixed with water (2oz water, 1oz pear juice). This works like a charm.
I hope he feels better soon!

Posted 3/23/07 12:00 PM

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