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I'm a big sister!!!

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Noel rolling over in her sleep

now that she rolled over if she rolls in her sleep and i go in and see her like that shoud i leave her or roll her on her back? is it safe for her to sleep on her stomach now?

Posted 1/12/07 7:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: rolling over in her sleep

My dr. told me that once they roll its ok to leave them that way. (Doesn't mean I didn't sleep for a week worried about it!)

Posted 1/12/07 8:00 PM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: rolling over in her sleep

Bella did this at 3-4 mts and I was so worried. I used to get up every 5 minutes (literally) to check on her. My Dr. told me to keep flipping her onto her back when she rolled onto her stomach, but she just flipped back over 2 sec. later. I eventually gave up. I called my Dr and told him I gave up and he said the same thing, as long as they can flip and hold their heads up, you're ok.

Don't fret too much! I lost a lot of sleep. TG I was still on leave when this was happining otherwise I'd be a zombie from all the hours of sleep lost!

Posted 1/12/07 8:03 PM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

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Re: rolling over in her sleep

When DS first starting doing this I was so scared and did flip him some nights, but he just went back. My ped siad it's fine bc it's being done natural, not me putting him down that way. he is almost 9 months now and lately he only sleeps on his belly, sometimes kinda on his side, only now he has decided to sometimes smush his face into the mattress Chat Icon Chat Icon
If I see him like that, even though he is breathing and fine I move his head to the side.

Posted 1/12/07 8:43 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: rolling over in her sleep

DD has been sleeping on her belly since about 8 weeks. If I put her on her back, she will fuss and cry...if I put her on her belly, she is asleep in 5 minutes. She hasn't rolled over yet.

Posted 1/12/07 9:35 PM

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