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Would you go to Wildwood for a couple days @ 37 weeks preggo?

Forum Opinion Poll
Yes, last chance for fun! 14 30.43%
NO WAY, are you crazy?! 31 67.39%
Other- Please explain 1 2.17%

quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

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LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

2490 total posts

D EDD: 8/29/2010

quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

Hi! So my mom owns her own business and she takes off ONE week the whole year!! She really wants to go on a cruise with my dad but he is deathly afraid of water and she doesnt really want to go on vacation by herself.

She called me today and had an idea of going to Wildwood for a couple days. The whole family would be going, my mom, dad, 2 brothers, me and my husband. It sounds like a great time BUT I'll be 37 weeks pregnant. LOL.

For those of you who might not know... Wildwood is in South Jersey, about 3 hours from where I live. It entails a fair amount of walking, since they have the boardwalk, but there is also a pool, beach, etc.

So would you go (the vacation would start Aug. 9th to about 12th)? IM DUE Aug. 29th.

ETA: So far this has been a pretty normal pregnancy and there is no reason to think I would deliver early.

Message edited 6/11/2010 9:44:29 AM.

Posted 6/11/10 9:27 AM

My Loves :)

Member since 1/09

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

I voted NO. Only b/c I had a pretty easy pregnancy and delivered at 37 weeks Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/10 9:38 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

I said no because I would NOT enjoy myself.
I have major swelling at 37 weeks, tons of pressure down low, walking is hard sometimes due to shooting groin pain, I pee constantly, etc etc.
Plus the heat would get to me and being on the beach would just be no fun.

Plus I feel you can deliver at any time once you hit 37 weeks and i would NOT want to be that far from my dr/hopsital. I'm sure if you mentioned it to your Dr they'd advise against it as well.

I think 37 weeks is just cutting it a bit too close and I wouldn't have much fun at that point anyway.

Message edited 6/11/2010 9:41:37 AM.

Posted 6/11/10 9:40 AM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

I love Wildwood- I would go, but plan to just hang around the pool, beach- I wouldnt even think about walking the boardwalk- at least not during the day- it would be better to do this when the sun goes down

Posted 6/11/10 9:42 AM

2 girls 4 me!

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

I voted other.

I wouldn't go... I wouldn't be comfortable being that far away from home at that point in my pregnancy.

eta: Would your family be willing to "relocate" the vacation to somewhere on LI? Montauk, Shelter Island, Greenport, etc are great vacation spots, but are much closer in case Chat Icon puts in an early appearance.

Message edited 6/11/2010 9:45:13 AM.

Posted 6/11/10 9:44 AM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

I wouldn't.

You never know what will happen...and Jersey Shore traffic can get pretty bad.

Posted 6/11/10 9:44 AM

Angelina . . . My Lil Angel

Member since 8/08

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

Posted by babybug631

I wouldn't.

You never know what will happen...and Jersey Shore traffic can get pretty bad.

ITA! i live in PA and don't plan on visiting my family in NY anymore after next weekend. i'll be 32 weeks at that point. summer traffic stinks!!

Message edited 6/11/2010 10:01:12 AM.

Posted 6/11/10 10:00 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

I went to Mohegan Sun @ 39 weeks for a weekend...I had a totally normal pregnancy and figured worse comes to worse, it's not like I'm going miles and miles from a hospital. I also really felt I was going to go late and didn't go till 42 weeks.

I say go and just relax. I would just let your doc know and find out where the nearest hospital is should something happen.

Posted 6/11/10 10:10 AM

So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

I really wanted to vote YES because I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow and it would be great to get away right now and just "relax," BUT I voted NO.
I would be too worried being 3 hours away from my doctor. Just because you've had a normal pregnancy so far doesn't mean you wont go early.

If you do end up going, be sure to take it easy. Don't do too much walking and make sure you know where the nearest hospital is, just in case. Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/10 10:13 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/10

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

i say NO because i had a good and normal pregnancy and ended up giving birth at 37 weeks...lost my mucus plug Chat Icon at 9pm, went to the hospital at 11pm and had the baby at 8 am

plus the pee breaks alone would drive me crazy Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/10 10:26 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

2490 total posts

D EDD: 8/29/2010

Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

Dang, looks like this vacation is a negative!! Honestly I wanted to go partly just to give my mom company lol, I know she probably wont go if we dont go with her.. its ok she'll figure it out I guess.

Thanks for the input ladies!

Posted 6/11/10 10:29 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/09

772 total posts


Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

i would say no too. i had a quick vaca planned to for next week. and i started with contraction last and now im in the hospital. the last couple of weeks you should stay close to home just in case bc you never know. these babies come when they want not when we tell them

Posted 6/11/10 11:42 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/07

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Pooh Bear

Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

I will be 36 weeks when we go to Montauck, which is around two hours from my house without traffic. I need this last vaca before the baby comes and I dont think its that risky.

Posted 6/11/10 11:57 AM

blessed <3

Member since 10/09

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

I voted no because I wanted to go to a concert about an hour away from my house at 37 weeks and my doctor told me no way. He said at 37 weeks i'll probably be having normal contractions and at that point in pregnancy I have to be within a half hour away from my hospital at all times. Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/10 12:03 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

Posted by dajc23

I voted NO. Only b/c I had a pretty easy pregnancy and delivered at 37 weeks Chat Icon

Same here.....there was absolutely NO indication that I would delivery early, and at 37 weeks, my water broke at 5AM, went to the hospital with no pains at 8, was given pitocin because DS's heart rate was in slight distress, and delivered at 2PM......God knows what would have happened had I been 3 hours away from home.

Posted 6/11/10 12:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

2490 total posts

D EDD: 8/29/2010

Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

Posted by curliegirl

Posted by dajc23

I voted NO. Only b/c I had a pretty easy pregnancy and delivered at 37 weeks Chat Icon

Same here.....there was absolutely NO indication that I would delivery early, and at 37 weeks, my water broke at 5AM, went to the hospital with no pains at 8, was given pitocin because DS's heart rate was in slight distress, and delivered at 2PM......God knows what would have happened had I been 3 hours away from home.

Wow, thats crazzy! Imagine I go into labor in Wildwood, LMAO! I think you ladies have convinced me not to go.

Posted 6/11/10 12:14 PM

Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08

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Re: quick local vacation @ 37 weeks... Need Opinions- POLL included.

I would plan on going and just hang out at the beach or the pool... and if your not feeling up to it when the time comes around i'm sure everyone will understand.

Posted 6/11/10 1:05 PM
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