I just happen to live within walking distance from a 'green' store.

Now I'm not a 'green' person really. I mean I try but I'm not as good as I should be and I know it. Chat Icon I love my preservative filled crap food I find in the mega chain stores. Chat Icon

However.. I must say I love this little store. I generally don't buy organic because it's expensive. Plain and simple. This place, however is affordable. In many ways it actually cheaper. I've been finding ALL of my meat products at a $1/lb - $2/lb cheaper than the mega store.

The fruits and veggies are awesome and also a few cents cheaper than my mega store. Jim loves the coffee (they keep it in big big barrels so you can scoop it out)

I can even WALK to the danged store and take my kiddo and hubby with me for a nice stroll. She loves to watch the cars pass and also likes to hold our hand and swing on the sidewalk or walk through this store. It very open and bright.

Saving on gas, time and food.

Hey, I may actually become a believer! But I still hit up the 'other' store for most of my groceries. Hey, its a start, right?

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