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Rules and having others follow them

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Member since 9/05

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Rules and having others follow them

Steven has lots of rules at home. He is pretty good and knows what he can and can't do.

At my mom's house, where he spends most of his time during the week, he has absolutely NO rules. She lets him do whatever he wants whenever he wants. She even tells him "you're the boss." It used to be cute and funny but now it is just plain out annoying. Because he's always allowed to do things, unless someone is not in the mood, then he can't do it. So he is getting mixed signals.

Do you have any suggestions on how to get others to follow your rules?

Some examples are: playing with keys, playing with cell phone, playing with computer keyboard, toys while eating, just to name a few. They let him play with the keys. Then when someone needs their keys and takes them off the key ring, he screams and crys to play with them. Then they want to tell him "no, you can't play with them." but if they don't need the keys then they let him play with them. Sometimes he will test me at our house to see if I will give in then I have to deal with the tantrum that follows.

I really need suggestions. I'm so afraid that my kid is turning into a brat Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/08 2:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05

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Re: Rules and having others follow them

You can try telling them that you need to be consistent because he's getting mixed signals.

At one house it's ok to do x, y & z and at another house, it's not ok.

Posted 1/3/08 2:23 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

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Re: Rules and having others follow them

I hear you, sort of the same here when it comes to CIO, etc.

But I think it's just their age because we are strict with certain things here and when we take something away from Ava home or out, she has a complete meltdown to the point people ask if she got hurt.Chat Icon She has quite the temper and has a one track mind lately.

Posted 1/3/08 2:28 PM

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