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SAHM's - Question about working...

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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


SAHM's - Question about working...

Do you ever feel the "need" to work? Do you miss it?

I am asking because I am in a pickle. I left my job to be a SAHM - and I have no regrets. I LOVE being home with the baby and don't want to change that.

I have a business on the did pretty well for a while - but since I had the baby I have slowed down with that work (by choice). Now I am in the position that I can either let the business go - or basically start over and start drumming up business again. It will be a lot of hard work - probably more hours than I have right now - and we don't need the income (although it would be nice) - BUT I can't help feeling the NEED to do it - to bring in some $$, to feel successful, to be important in some way other than a mom/wife...

I just don't know what to do - what are your thoughts/feelings on work? ( husband is supportive of me 100% either way - so there are no issues there).

Posted 2/25/06 4:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05

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Re: SAHM's - Question about working...

Not a SAHM, but it would be a d@mn shame to not have you make those beautiful bracelets for the moms!

Posted 2/25/06 4:56 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: SAHM's - Question about working...

I'm in the same pickle morally....I WANT to be a SAHM and work with my crafts as needed or go to my job PT, but we NEED my income or at least as much of what I was pulling in during my PG.

I think that if you drummed up the business to enough clients that were requesting your work on a regular basis, that the time needed would even out....right? It'll take some time to get clients, but once you have them, it's just a matter of supplying them, correct? Or is the dilemma in the time it will take to make your jewelry?

What about doing it with someone else that could do the legwork for you and you get to do the "fun" stuff?

What about selling online and not doing business face to face...or at least the initial meeting is face to face, but all other communication is done via phone, fax, email from home?

Posted 2/25/06 4:56 PM

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