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Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
and your DH can't take off work, do you go away with just your kids? I keep toying with the thought of going somewhere with them for a few days, but I think it'll be pretty boring for me at night when they go to bed and I'm alone in the hotel room.
Posted 4/5/11 4:31 PM |
My Girls

Member since 11/06 9543 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
Yes, I have. I usually do it with friends. You should go for it!
Posted 4/5/11 5:22 PM |
I lvoe the fall :)

Member since 6/06 3543 total posts
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
YES!!!!! go have fun!!!
Posted 4/5/11 6:41 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
I'm a WM, but I get school breaks off. Never thought about going away without DH! Definitely sounds interesting!
Posted 4/5/11 6:53 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1712 total posts
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
Nope never. Guess I'm strange. If a group of moms/parents from school were going then I probably would, but not with the kids by myself.
Posted 4/5/11 7:03 PM |
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
No, I won't go away without DH. My family keeps asking me to go away with them, but I don't feel right about it.
Posted 4/5/11 8:36 PM |
I am all the Me I will ever Be

Member since 5/06 9746 total posts
Name: She who shall remain nameless
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
Posted by KerriSteve
No, I won't go away without DH. My family keeps asking me to go away with them, but I don't feel right about it.
Posted 4/5/11 9:55 PM |
Avatar Title
Member since 9/08 3762 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
if i had help i would. but i would never take my 2 away alone.
Posted 4/6/11 6:41 AM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
If I didn't have an infant now, I'd totally go with you during break!
But by myself? I don't know. I love the idea of it but what would we talk about 24/7? I would definitely consider it if my kids were the right ages. As for being bored at night...what would you be doing at home at night if your DH weren't there? I'd put on TV, read a book, make some phone calls, and go to bed early.
My sister is divorced and took her kids (ages 8 and 4 at the time) to Lake George by herself last summer for 3 or 4 nights. They'll have great memories of that!
Posted 4/6/11 9:34 AM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
Thanks! I still haven't decided, part of me feels creepy for going without DH, but we've had a rough month and I think it might help the kids cheer up a bit to get away for a couple days.
I'm so bad at making decisions!
Posted 4/6/11 12:23 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
If I was ambitious enough, I would. But I always schedule some extra special things for them to do during the week, but we don't (or haven't yet) gone away without DH. He's the type to get insulted that he was working while we were off having fun!
I may fly with the kids down to my sister's house in VA this summer... Just for a few days, at least that is the plan. I hate driving anything over an hour! I'm spoiled!
Posted 4/6/11 2:55 PM |
Member since 5/05 1854 total posts
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
Now that DS is getting older, I would!
Posted 4/7/11 1:17 PM |
Member since 5/05 5025 total posts
Re: SAHMs - when your kids are on a week+ break from school
I've done it. It stinks to be home when you can be having fun with the kids somewhere.
Posted 4/7/11 1:35 PM |