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Member since 6/06 11378 total posts
Name: Qiana
Sarah Jessica Parker in Elle Magazine
Here are some portions of her interview with Elle:
On her personal style vs. Carrie:
“Carrie loved the hits and she loved the misses, and I loved being able to wear all that without being indicted for it in my own life,” the actress says. “But I would never consider wearing some of the outfits she wore. Like, ever. The last thing I need is to call attention to myself when I walk down the street.”
On the Sex and the City movie:
“I am hopeful. I believe this time it’s going to happen,” Parker says, choosing her words. It turns out her optimistic attitude was well-warranted: Just last week, it was revealed that HBO and New Line Cinema would have all four ladies reprising their roles in a big-screen version of the Emmy Award-winning series. After three years of eager whispers, Parker and her co-stars can finally clear the air. “I really wanted it to happen, and it was a bitter pill to swallow that it didn’t,” Parker says, setting the record straight. “But you have to respect people’s decisions. And one of us didn’t want to do it at the time, meaning Kim [Catrall], for reasons that I didn’t ask. It’s not for me to talk anybody into anything, ever-creatively, financially, or whatever.”
On having a successful marriage in Hollywood:
“We try not to talk about the relationship. It’s not that we’re not proud; it’s just that’s the kiss of death.”
On her son James Wilkie:
“James Wilkie is so conscious now of the time we spend together,” she says of her four-and-a-half-year-old. “I try to be home to tuck him in at least four nights a week, and if I’m not, he’s not letting me get away with anything. The other night I was sitting with him on the steps before Matthew and I went out to the theater, and he looked at me and said, ‘Mama, this has got to stop. Go upstairs and take that dress off.’”
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J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: Sarah Jessica Parker in Elle Magazine
Posted by MrsQ
“James Wilkie is so conscious now of the time we spend together,” she says of her four-and-a-half-year-old. “I try to be home to tuck him in at least four nights a week, and if I’m not, he’s not letting me get away with anything. The other night I was sitting with him on the steps before Matthew and I went out to the theater, and he looked at me and said, ‘Mama, this has got to stop. Go upstairs and take that dress off.’”
that is adorable. and GOOD for her for being such a great Mom!
she looks fabulous!