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Saturday night w/o DS

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LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

917 total posts


Saturday night w/o DS

He made it through OK, DH and I didn't though LOL. The dinner dance was at the Lake Isle Country Club in Eastchester, very nice place. It was a lot of fun, but my shoes were too tight! I never checked to see if they still fit (my feet grew like 1/4" with the pregnancy) and they were ok if I was just standing but we went a bar afterwards and we got tired waiting for a cab and we were told 'it's 100 ft from the entrance" so we started walking. I was having a hard time walking, and it was NOT 100 ft from the entrance!! We finally got there and it was filled with guys/gals in their 20's - typical bar scene sort of crowd. Most of them left at 2:30 or so. I really wanted to go but do you think anyone else did? Noooo. What is up wth my friends having to drink ALL NIGHT LONG. I won't bore you with the gory details but let's just say my son was awake 1 hour BEFORE we even got back to our friend's house to go to sleep ourselves!! And this was NOT my idea, they all wanted to stay out until god knows when. We were exhausted all day yesterday, driving home was a nightmare, Liam's teething is making him cranky so guess who didn't get to take a nap when we got home and guess who did and it wasn't Liam and it certainly wasn't meChat Icon
I banged into work today which I know I shouldn't have done since I have NO time left but my stomach hurts a bit and I still feel like crud today.

I really hope we never do that again!
But Liam did very well w/ my sister overnight so I am happy about that.Chat Icon

Posted 12/11/06 8:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Saturday night w/o DS

Just goes to show Mom + PartyAnimal= Not a pretty picture. At least Liam did well so you don't have to worry if you leave him againChat Icon

Posted 12/11/06 9:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

917 total posts


Re: Saturday night w/o DS

This is true - especially since he has a cold. The only time he gave my sister a hard time was when she put him in his car seat to drive down to Yonkers. I think she put his straps on too tight though, she got him out and calmed him down and he was OK afterwards.

And boy do we miss the area down there! If it wasn't for the whole public school issue there, we'd move back in a jff I think. Private schooling (even though I'd love to send him to Catholic school) is just too expensive.

Posted 12/11/06 10:50 PM

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