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Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

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Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

Sitting in a 4-by-9-foot cell on San Quentin's Death Row, Scott Peterson doesn't have a lot of choices in life, but he can decide how to decorate his wall.

While many cons plaster their cells with pictorial collages, Peterson has only one photo hanging across from his bunk: a smiling shot of him and his wife, Laci.

It's a much different pose from his most recent mug shot – taken in June of 2007 – where his dark hair was clipped short by fellow cons in the exercise yard. Under his half-smiling face is a placard with his inmate number and the word: "Condemned."

Peterson, 36, was sentenced to death by lethal injection in March of 2005 after being convicted of murdering Laci and their unborn son, Conner, and tossing them in the San Francisco Bay on Christmas Eve day of 2002. His case is on appeal, which means he isn't likely to face execution for two decades.

In the four years he has called San Quentin home, not much has changed except the view: eight months ago Peterson moved from a fifth tier cell on East Block with a slivered view of the bay to being "on the yard side," says Samuel Robinson, a lieutenant with the California Department of Corrections who has been at San Quentin since before Peterson arrived.

Plays Cards, Basketball
It's the same yard where Peterson now spends five hours a day shooting hoops, doing pull-ups and playing cards with other inmates like William Noguera, a prison artist who was convicted of murder for financial gain in 1983. "There are a group of guys that he hangs with," Robinson tells PEOPLE, "but it's not anyone of any (criminal) notoriety."

Predictions that Peterson might be ostracized – or worse – because of Conner's death have proven not to be true. "In Scott's case," says Robinson, "the perception [among the inmates] is that he killed his wife, and yeah she was pregnant, but he killed his wife. He hasn't encountered the challenges others face who have killed kids individually."

Robinson says Peterson still gets regular visits – several each month – from family and friends. He also receives numerous letters from female admirers who send him checks for his commissary account. "He has a significant amount of money in his account from people all over the world," says Robinson. Peterson can spend $180 a month on items such as soda, candy, cookies, toothpaste and deodorant.

Blogging from Prison
Peterson's only communication with the outside world is the blogging he has done for nearly a year on his family's Web site:, where he comments on his case and news events. Since Robinson says inmates are not allowed to have computers or access the Internet, his blogs are composed on a typewriter and mailed to his family to post. His most recent post, headlined "Media spotlight wrong again," concerned the arrest of a man in the Chandra Levy murder.

Despite being locked in a cell for 19 hours a day, Robinson believes Peterson has adjusted well to his confinement. "You're still able to forge relationships with people who live around you and you try to make the most of your condition," says Robinson. "I think that's what Scotty is doing."

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Posted 4/14/09 7:37 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Livin' the Good Life....

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

He should rot in hell for what he did.

Posted 4/14/09 8:32 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

I was always on the fence about this case. Yes the giuy was a scumbag. However-he was sentenced to death with no real evidence-no concrete evidence. I actually think its kind of scary...
I'm not saying I think he didn't do it-I have no idea

Posted 4/14/09 8:56 AM


Member since 9/06

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

He looks super creepy in that picture. I hope he rots. Chat Icon

Posted 4/14/09 8:59 AM

Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

Why is the media still make him a story? He was found guilty by his peers and sentenced to death - just let him rot in jail until his appeals all end.

Posted 4/14/09 9:00 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

Blogging? Playing cards, shooting hoops. He should be thrown in a hole. He has the nerve to have a picture of his wife who he killed up in his cell. Freaking disgusting "human " being. He should rot.Chat Icon

Posted 4/14/09 9:09 AM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

He has no guilt, his wife made creme brulee french toast for his sorry arse and it was in the fridge.He simply decided he wanted to play the field and she wanted a baby and he was on the fence about it.
I was obsessed with thiscase because he was such scum---there was ALOT of evidence.
A boat no one knew about, things he did, just a person with no guilt-at a candle vigil on the phone with some girl???????
there is more I cannot think right now-but his own step sister disowned him.
I mean cmon this guy dyed his hair-had rope and duct tape i believe, a shovel and was going to Ambers..
Its nice he can rest more then most of us.

Posted 4/14/09 9:39 AM

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

Posted by lastchance1222

He has no guilt, his wife made creme brulee french toast for his sorry arse and it was in the fridge.He simply decided he wanted to play the field and she wanted a baby and he was on the fence about it.
I was obsessed with thiscase because he was such scum---there was ALOT of evidence.
A boat no one knew about, things he did, just a person with no guilt-at a candle vigil on the phone with some girl???????
there is more I cannot think right now-but his own step sister disowned him.
I mean cmon this guy dyed his hair-had rope and duct tape i believe, a shovel and was going to Ambers..
Its nice he can rest more then most of us.

There's always a lot of "evidence." What evidence tied him to the crime? (Honestly curious. I didn't follow the story very closely.) Lots of people have serious marital problems. The VAST majority of them don't murder their spouse and unborn child. The world is filled with scumbags who aren't murderers.

I'm NOT in any way saying he didn't do it. The news stories I did see all said there was complling evidence... I'm curious what evidence was so compelling that he received the death penalty. (Again, honestly curious.)

Message edited 4/14/2009 9:49:48 AM.

Posted 4/14/09 9:44 AM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

to be honest..It was a long time ago and I read all the books but I cannot remember everything..I could be wrong on some things/
What threw me off is she begged for a baby-he was not ready.
It is a fact most pregnant women cause of death is by their spouse.
he had a boat that he bought and hid and he told no one about it I believe.
I also recall they found things in the warehouse I think it was cement that would weigh her down.
He was found to be stalking the area she was found-before and after the fact..
i don't recall what else right now-I no longer have the books or remember the trial-I was watching it 24-7..
oh..he also tripped up with barbara walters something to the effect of her being dead or gone and she was not even found yet/
Yes..all circumstancial but I guess enough to have his sister disown him-(I cannot remember why--there was a direct reason where she knew he did it in her heart)
but they found him guilty...
I was wondering why we never heard about him again.
His whole demeanor was off to boot.
I have to think about what I saw on tv and read and come back to this...

and Natalie Halloway?
I sooooooooo think that yuran guy did it..
but...his father has too much power.

Posted 4/14/09 9:57 AM

The cutest!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

Posted by Kara

Posted by lastchance1222

He has no guilt, his wife made creme brulee french toast for his sorry arse and it was in the fridge.He simply decided he wanted to play the field and she wanted a baby and he was on the fence about it.
I was obsessed with thiscase because he was such scum---there was ALOT of evidence.
A boat no one knew about, things he did, just a person with no guilt-at a candle vigil on the phone with some girl???????
there is more I cannot think right now-but his own step sister disowned him.
I mean cmon this guy dyed his hair-had rope and duct tape i believe, a shovel and was going to Ambers..
Its nice he can rest more then most of us.

There's always a lot of "evidence." What evidence tied him to the crime? (Honestly curious. I didn't follow the story very closely.) Lots of people have serious marital problems. The VAST majority of them don't murder their spouse and unborn child. The world is filled with scumbags who aren't murderers.

I'm NOT in any way saying he didn't do it. The news stories I did see all said there was complling evidence... I'm curious what evidence was so compelling that he received the death penalty. (Again, honestly curious.)

So weird, I was thinkng about this case on the subway this morning for some reason. Laci's mother wrote a book and it was really moving. There was evidence, albeit circumstantial evidence, that tied him to the murder. He was checking tide conditioins in the area where Laci's body was dumped and went fishing in that same area. They found concrete in the boat and it is believed he made cement "anchors" to weigh her down. he cleaned the whole house with bleach. His wild affair - calling his mistress while "looking" for his wife. This case totally disturbed me.

Posted 4/14/09 10:07 AM

Baby Delicious!

Member since 8/06

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

I was OBSESSED with this story. I mean it was pretty crazy. And while my heart breaks for this poor family, I will always be on the fence about whether he did it.

Yes he was a lying, cheating a$$hole, but they had nothing physical to connect him to it.

Posted 4/14/09 10:13 AM

Life's Beachy <3

Member since 2/08

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

He looks so different here

Posted 4/14/09 10:21 AM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

Posted by mrsej

Posted by Kara

Posted by lastchance1222

He has no guilt, his wife made creme brulee french toast for his sorry arse and it was in the fridge.He simply decided he wanted to play the field and she wanted a baby and he was on the fence about it.
I was obsessed with thiscase because he was such scum---there was ALOT of evidence.
A boat no one knew about, things he did, just a person with no guilt-at a candle vigil on the phone with some girl???????
there is more I cannot think right now-but his own step sister disowned him.
I mean cmon this guy dyed his hair-had rope and duct tape i believe, a shovel and was going to Ambers..
Its nice he can rest more then most of us.

There's always a lot of "evidence." What evidence tied him to the crime? (Honestly curious. I didn't follow the story very closely.) Lots of people have serious marital problems. The VAST majority of them don't murder their spouse and unborn child. The world is filled with scumbags who aren't murderers.

I'm NOT in any way saying he didn't do it. The news stories I did see all said there was complling evidence... I'm curious what evidence was so compelling that he received the death penalty. (Again, honestly curious.)

So weird, I was thinkng about this case on the subway this morning for some reason. Laci's mother wrote a book and it was really moving. There was evidence, albeit circumstantial evidence, that tied him to the murder. He was checking tide conditioins in the area where Laci's body was dumped and went fishing in that same area. They found concrete in the boat and it is believed he made cement "anchors" to weigh her down. he cleaned the whole house with bleach. His wild affair - calling his mistress while "looking" for his wife. This case totally disturbed me.

yes..I agree-most people do not call their mistress while there is a vigil or a hunt.
He was not at that center making posters 24-7 like the rest...
(too busy stalking the water)
xmas dinner laughing and having a grand old time...
cement...a boat noone knew about--especially when Laci was someone who xcould not go boating...
someone who said they saw him tke something out in tarp and throw it in the back of the truck...
I me.what they found was enough and gross.
Same as OJ, but he got off, at least until now. Karma is a beyotch.
Even in this pic he looks smug--hes a scary arse.

Posted 4/14/09 10:25 AM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

Posted by jxnoscar

I was OBSESSED with this story. I mean it was pretty crazy. And while my heart breaks for this poor family, I will always be on the fence about whether he did it.

Yes he was a lying, cheating a$$hole, but they had nothing physical to connect him to it.

I agree......I just don't feel like there is enough *proof* to sentince him to deathrow. It bothers me that there is nothing concreate to prove it. Look at what DNA has done to free people in the last 5yrs. How many of those stories did people just know they were guilty and then DNA freed them.

Posted 4/14/09 10:40 AM

Baby Delicious!

Member since 8/06

4156 total posts


Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

Posted by medic6809

Posted by jxnoscar

I was OBSESSED with this story. I mean it was pretty crazy. And while my heart breaks for this poor family, I will always be on the fence about whether he did it.

Yes he was a lying, cheating a$$hole, but they had nothing physical to connect him to it.

I agree......I just don't feel like there is enough *proof* to sentince him to deathrow. It bothers me that there is nothing concreate to prove it. Look at what DNA has done to free people in the last 5yrs. How many of those stories did people just know they were guilty and then DNA freed them.

Exactly, and maybe there was enough evidence for murder and life--but death--I am sorry, I need more evidence.

Rightfully or Unrightfully so, I feel the jurors were WAY TOO emotionally involved.

Posted 4/14/09 11:03 AM


Member since 4/08

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

*Sidebar: There's a facebook group entitled
1,000,000 strong for setting Scott Peterson free!

It has 3 members.

Posted 4/14/09 11:11 AM

BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Scott Peterson's Life on Death Row

I love how "female admirers" send him money.
What the freak kind of kooks do that?

Yeah, I love that wife killer! He's hot! Let me send him some cash!!

What on earth? Chat Icon

Posted 4/14/09 11:19 AM

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