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September mommies to be

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LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1389 total posts


September mommies to be

how is everyone doing? External Image

Message edited 6/28/2006 2:18:45 PM.

Posted 6/28/06 11:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

I am doing very well....almost to where it scares swelling due to the hot weather and all, no real complaints at all :) ...I am 28 weeks and still fit (although not as nicely anymore!) in my reg clothes - particularly A-line skirts over stianght ones though - I know this is merely a matter of time....I have gained almost 18 lbs though Chat Icon - but we went to the dr last night and she said I am doing great and is not at all concerned with my weight gain!! (I asked b/c I was mortified!) I am measuring as I should be and my bp is fine!! It is all starting to be very real for us - and that freaks me out - but we can't wait to meet our lil Chat Icon

how are you??

Posted 6/28/06 1:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

I am jealous that you fit into regular clothes! I wish!! I think thats great :)

I am 30 weeks...appointment was swelling for me either, blood pressure was great, babys heartrate was 143.

They gave me a 30 week packet with preregistration forms for the hospital and sheets all about labor. It made it VERY VERY REAL!!! LOL. I am so excited that its closer to Sept. Can't wait to meet Chat Icon who has been kicking his mama in her ribs all day :)

Posted 6/28/06 1:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

Iwed...what about you? How are you doing??

Posted 6/28/06 1:35 PM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

I am doing pretty good! Some discomforts here and there nothing major yet. (knock on wood)

I'm also 28 weeks, but there's no way I can fit into regular clothes! Chat Icon It's been a while since that! I have my next Dr. appt on 7/5 which is my first one starting every two weeks. The one after that I get to schedule my C-section! Chat Icon It does but doesn't seem real yet. It's just different when you alraedy have one running around... it doesn't give you much time for everything to sink in!

I'm excited and nervous at the same time hoping that I can handle 2 of them! Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/06 1:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1389 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

I am good. don't have much swelling either and have only gained 19 lbs so far. My next appt is July so we will see how much more. Baby is moving a lot and doens't like to sleep at nights !!!

Posted 6/28/06 1:51 PM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05

9612 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

I am doing ok. Very tired and my back is killing me lately. I'm 27 weeks w/ twins. My last day of work is friday Chat Icon , i cant wait to get some rest!

Posted 6/28/06 2:00 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

98 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

I will be 28 weeks on Sunday..and doing good. Although i did fail my 1 hour sugar test this AM so I have to go for the 3 hour test on monday. No swelling and actually can still wear some of my regular clothes (linen draw string pants mostly and some tops). Time is going fast..working on the nursery!!

Message edited 6/28/2006 2:07:22 PM.

Posted 6/28/06 2:07 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

I am doing good so far and i have twins. Gained about 23 pounds already which is right on target and I go back this week for my gestiational diabetes test.

Only complaint i have is my back. It hurts so much sitting all day. I don't know how much longer i can take it at work.

Posted 6/28/06 2:12 PM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

5498 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

I'm 28 weeks today. Chat Icon My body feels like I got hit by a mack truck, but I'm not complaining! It's all for "the cause" Chat Icon

I had a check up yesterday and gained way too much in the last month. He said a lot of it was water since I'm swollen up to my knees, but I also know I need to cut out the sweets. Waiting for the results of my glucose test. Keep your fingers crossed!Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/06 2:42 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

good luck to all the ladies on their glucose tests!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/06 3:49 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: September mommies to be

I'm ggod, I'm 27 weeks already. Just got my glucose test done yesterday, and now I have a UTI so it hurts on and off. Otherwise everything has been great here! I'm finally starting to feel the real pounding kicks, so its nice. Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/06 3:54 PM

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