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Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Setting DS up for daycare....
What should I be getting for him?
Another bouncer? Play clothes
Where do I get those labels for the bottles? Do I write on the tags of his clothes or are there special labels for that too? Do I really have to put the date, contents and amount on his bottles everyday? His name on the cap too?
What am I forgetting? please help me!
Posted 3/3/08 8:23 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Setting DS up for daycare....
Mabel's Labels are awesome! I have them on every bottle...they dont come off. Up until a few weeks ago I was also writing the dates on masking tape and then putting them on the bottle--not necessary anymore
Keep at least 2-3 change of clothes at daycare--I didnt label these--they are in his cubby
Buy 4 crib sheets for the portable cribs
You need to buy a mobile/crib toy for his crib
I would give them a box of wipes with his name and then just send refiills (they let you know when you are low)
They have bouncers
The Carters one piece outfits are my fave for daycare--so easy
Message edited 3/3/2008 8:44:35 AM.
Posted 3/3/08 8:44 AM |
He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Setting DS up for daycare....
They have bouncers yes, but I thought they told me the parents supply them...... I'll have to ask.....
Posted 3/3/08 8:47 AM |
I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05 8356 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Setting DS up for daycare....
Posted by curliegirl
What should I be getting for him?
Another bouncer? Play clothes
Where do I get those labels for the bottles? Do I write on the tags of his clothes or are there special labels for that too? Do I really have to put the date, contents and amount on his bottles everyday? His name on the cap too?
What am I forgetting? please help me!
At my daycare, one of the babies has her own bouncer- so if you want to get another one, you can. My daycare wants the baby to be comfortable, and make it like home, so they encourage bringing blankets for her to lay on on the floor , sheets for her cribe, etc from home. I just dont bring toys because I dont want the other kids to be putting them in their mouth.
DD has like 3 sets of extra clothes there just in case she spits up or makes a mess with the clothes she has on. I also have extra everything there- diapers, wipes, A&D.
You have to label everything! I didnt buy any labels, just marked everything with a sharpie. We dont have to put the date and amount on everything- but maybe that is the policy of your daycare center.
Posted 3/3/08 9:41 AM |
my Becks

Member since 5/05 1772 total posts
Name: tracyg
Re: Setting DS up for daycare....
Our daycare we have to supply a change of clothes (I leave a few, usually a long sleeve and a short sleeve onesie, pants, and a couple feety pajamas) and we have to initial the clothes... i just use a sharpie. Bottles have to have her name and date. I printed labels with my label maker for her name, and masking tape for the date. Also label the tops. We supply diapers and wipes and diaper cream. They have exersaucers and swings, but could really use new swings. They're kind of crappy. They also have toys for them to play with, they wash them every night. They have sheets, but I can supply my own if i want. As well as blankets.
Initial everything... it helped when they put DD's clothes on another baby.
Posted 3/3/08 10:22 AM |
How did you get blue eyes?

Member since 11/05 3763 total posts
Name: LC's Mommy
Re: Setting DS up for daycare....
I labeled his bottles and caps w/ a PTouch. I also keep 2 outfits and a bunch of bibs in his cubbie. On the tags of his clothing/bibs I write his initals w/ a sharpie.
Posted 3/3/08 11:14 AM |