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Share your organization tips
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Member since 3/06 4268 total posts
Name: Jen
Share your organization tips
I am trying really hard to get serious about keeping my classroom and paperwork organized. Any ideas to share - all grade levels/ positions are welcome!!!
I buy tons of baskets, filing racks, plastic shoeboxes and accordion files for manipulatives, books, late passes, notes from parents etc.
Thsi year to keep the kids organized (which is the hardest) I am stealing an ideea from a co-worker - Homework Binders with page protectors containing calendar, newsletter, specials schedule, lunch menus and then 2 foilders- 1 for HW (coming and going) and 1 for work to go home
Posted 8/20/07 3:11 PM |
So blessed!

Member since 11/06 10348 total posts
Name: Ivelysse
Re: Share your organization tips
I teach HS. But I have a HW calendar in the corner in my classroom where I record the HW assignments each day. Then I have manilla folders labeled with the days of the week and the students can take the homework from the day they are absent.
I also have a sorting tray per period that I teach for papers to grade and the be handed back.
I have a sign out sheet for when the students leave to go to the bathroom or the nurse, etc... The students also sign in late on this sheet as well.
I am sure I have more. I'll think.
Posted 8/20/07 6:21 PM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
Re: Share your organization tips
I teach el. ed, so when a child is absent, all work is taped to his or her desk for when they come back.
I also have a monthly tickler file. I have a crate with files for 31 days plus 2 extra files. This way, when I make copies for an activity we are doing on the 8th, the copies go inthat folder. Helps so much, also works for a sub.
I have a sub box with extra activities. And sheets that can be copied.
I have an extra copy of the math and reading program at home so I odn't have to lug all those books home.
I keep things in monthly folders in my file cabinet.
I try to plan monthly. That helps a lot.
Posted 8/21/07 9:42 AM |
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