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Sharp pain by pubic bone...

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Love my two girls!!

Member since 11/07

1966 total posts


Sharp pain by pubic bone...

So for the past three days I have had a constant muscle pain right by where the hair begins leading toward the vajajay...right in the middle.....should I be concerned?

I feel it mostly when I get up from sitting or lying down...

The pain has gotten worse....should I call the doctor?...what can it Im a bit scared

Message edited 4/15/2008 11:36:29 AM.

Posted 4/15/08 10:08 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Saltricia's been awhile!

Member since 8/07

1035 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

i've been getting that same pelvic pressure on and off the entire pregnancy, it especially happens after sitting too long.

Posted 4/15/08 10:10 AM

Love my two girls!!

Member since 11/07

1966 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

anyone else?...I need reassurance

Posted 4/15/08 11:37 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

I get some muscle cramps every once in a while, too. I spoke to my doctor about it yesterday, and she said that muscular cramps are normal. As long as it doesn't last long (over a minute) & isn't accompanied by spotting/bleeding, then I shouldn't worry.

Hope that helps. Chat Icon

Posted 4/15/08 11:41 AM

Love my two girls!!

Member since 11/07

1966 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

mine has been constant....its as if I pulled a muscle down there and everytime I am standing it hurts....

Posted 4/15/08 11:44 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

Posted by Stephybaby

mine has been constant....its as if I pulled a muscle down there and everytime I am standing it hurts....

I get a cramp every time I move around when I'm sleeping. It's the sudden movements that tense my muscle up. Are you standing up quickly, too?

Posted 4/15/08 11:52 AM

Our 3 angels

Member since 7/07

4824 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

I have that same pain too. I don't think it is anything to be concerned about, but mention it to your doctor at your next appointment just to be sure.

Posted 4/15/08 12:55 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/08

110 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

I had similar pains b/c I was sitting too long and I think my pants were too tight! Chat Icon ( I was in denial about maternity pants at 10 w).

Dr. said it was normal. But if it makes you feel better, call your doctor. That's what they get paid the big bucks for!

Posted 4/15/08 12:59 PM

Listen close....

Member since 8/07

3545 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

Posted by Stephybaby

mine has been constant....its as if I pulled a muscle down there and everytime I am standing it hurts....

When i was preggo with DD i had that exact killed and was so annyoing. I especially had it after i woke up or was sitting for a long period of time (like at work)

Are you close to your due date? Because i noticed the closer i got the worse it got. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/15/08 1:02 PM

Love my two girls!!

Member since 11/07

1966 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

I am only 19 weeks..thats what I am concerned about....

I called my doc anyway and am waiting for a call back

Posted 4/15/08 1:47 PM

Listen close....

Member since 8/07

3545 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

Posted by Stephybaby

I am only 19 weeks..thats what I am concerned about....

I called my doc anyway and am waiting for a call back

Hopefully everything is okay! Chat Icon

Posted 4/15/08 1:54 PM

My Girls

Member since 11/06

9543 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

There is a technical name for it, but I do not recall what it is. But basically the bones right there start to separate to make room for the baby. Some women feel alot of discomfort. Like they we kicked in the pubic bone.

Posted 4/15/08 2:56 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: Sharp pain by pubic bone...

I have had the pain for weeks. My last appt dr said it was ligament pain. I get it mainly after i have been walking on my feet awhile. It hurts when I walk and if I am sitting or sleeping when I adjust my position.

Posted 4/15/08 5:34 PM

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