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Sleep Issues!

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How did I get so lucky

Member since 5/05

3725 total posts


Sleep Issues!

My babies sleep all day long...I have a hard time keeping them awake to finish a bottle. I put them on their activity mat to have "tummy time" and they actually fall asleep then too.

Yet, at night, after their 11pm bottle...starts the WITCHING HOUR! They are up, crying hysterical all night long. Last night we were up with them from 12am - 8am! DH and I try to take turns trying to get them to sleep, but who can sleep with all of that crying anyway?

What can I do that I am not already doing to get them to sleep? They are fed, diapered, burped, swaddled, and even have a pacifier. We try lights dim, lights out, mobile and music (Thinking that they sleep all day when it is noisy and cry at night if it is too quiet)
I rock them and rub them to soothe them. What are we missing?

Posted 11/12/06 6:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

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Re: Sleep Issues!

I would do everything i can to keep them up after 5PM. Including taking off their clothes to wake them up if need be. They will then be tried and go to bed for you at 11. It will be a pain but in the end it will work.

Hopefully it gets better. I totally remember nights like that!

Posted 11/12/06 6:21 PM

Never Forget

Member since 2/06

2735 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues!

The advice everyone always gave was to try to get fresh air. That becomes harder and harder now that it's getting cool, but if there are any nice days to come, go for a walk. I tried to interact with them when it was belly time or when they were slightly alert so that they would be more stimulated... which apparently is exhausting for them!

It WILL get easier. I agree with Ali1 - do what you have to keep them awake, especially though feedings! And naturally, they will extend their awake time each day.

Posted 11/12/06 6:37 PM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues!

Stacey - I could have written this myself!!! Call me at 4 am if you want - I am always awake!!! Chat Icon We have had a few good nights - those days we either bathed them right before bed or like Jen said we took them out for a walk. Not sure if it was coincidence but they did sleep better on those nights.

I am Chat Icon that it gets better too. It's tough hearing one or two babies hysterically cry all night long - seems a lot harder than during the day, right? At least during the day the sunshine makes you feel a little better, people could come over and there's good TV on - at night its so lonely and so scary b/c you're not sure why they're crying.

We try to keep them up during the day - I've found just moving them around or taking turns picking them up, sitting them in the boppy, walks, baths, things like that have helped.

Hope it gets better soon!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/06 8:34 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Sleep Issues!

Getting fresh air and sunlight to regulate thier day / night internal clock is the best thing.

Whenever we go out, even now in the fresh air they sleep so much better.

I would try and keep them up and stimulated as much as possible during the day.

Good Luck!!!!

Posted 11/13/06 5:35 AM

So Big... So Fast!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Sleep Issues!

No advice only Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/13/06 8:11 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues!

They probably have their nights and days mixed up. Try to get them some fresh air as well, and make sure when they do sleep during the day DONT keep it dark in the room.

Also, when they fall asleep during the feedings I will change them half way in the bottle to wake them up.

Posted 11/13/06 9:45 AM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues!

this post terrifies me...
I had a colicy daugther and a one year old with night terrors at the same time...lord let my twins sleep...
im scared.

Posted 11/13/06 5:27 PM

How did I get so lucky

Member since 5/05

3725 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues!

Thanks for all of the advice. I actually got out today, so I will let you know how tonight goes! Much hugs to all of you -- it is nice to know I am not alone!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/13/06 6:55 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues!

I just added this to my notebook.

Hopefullly, yeah rightChat Icon Chat Icon , I won't need the advice.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to all going through this.

As my MIL says, keep saying... "And this too shall pass"Chat Icon

Posted 11/13/06 7:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

917 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues!

Hi, I'm not a mom of twins but I can identify with the sleep issues. Your twins may have day/night mixup. If you can (may be hard but if you can try, do so) keep them awake more during the day. Let them nap in a sunny or bright room. And if you have time to read or skim through The Happiest Baby on the Block if you can. If you don't have time, find someone that did read it and have them tell you the Five S's thing. I can't remember is "shhh'ing" (doing the long shhhhhhhhh sound), swaddling, soothing (with pacifier) and I forget the rest.
Holding them in the football hold with their tummy in your palm helps too. Lightly jiggling them on their belly on top of your lap also helps.
Run the vacuum - not too close to them, but they love the noise. Or white noise. Or drives in the car.

Good luck - it's hard with one no-sleeping baby, I can't imagine two! But I am sure it will get better!

Posted 11/22/06 1:18 PM

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