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Sleep Q's...3-4 month old mommies

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My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Sleep Q's...3-4 month old mommies

My DD has been sleeping through the night since 8 wks (usually from 830-5 & then lately to 730 or so). Well the past 3-4 days she's been waking up at 345, 445ish & then at 6 or so...I just wake up & put the paci in & she goes back to sleep, but is anyone else dealing w/ this?

Does it get better again?

Should i leave her fuss & hope it doesn't get to full out crying (if I don't put paci back in?)


A tired (again) mommy

Message edited 10/27/2007 9:42:31 PM.

Posted 10/27/07 9:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Re: Sleep Q's...3-4 month old mommies

DD (4 mos.) does the same thing. Some days she wakes up around 3ish and I give her the paci and then she's fine. Other days she doesn't wake up at all for it. She's still right next to me so it's not much of an issue, but when she moves out of my room it will definitely be more annoying!

Posted 10/27/07 9:27 PM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Re: Sleep Q's...3-4 month old mommies

DS is 4 months old and pretty much sleeps through the night from 8-9PM to around 6:30-7;30 AM (he's in his own crib as of last week) but sometimes gets up b/t 4-5AM and just needs the pacifier. It's rare where we have to hold him or pick him up if he wakes up briefly during the night.
It happened more frequently when he was in the co-sleeper in our room b/c he would hear DH and myself turn/move during the night and would wake up and needed the pacifier just to get him to go back down.

Posted 10/27/07 9:39 PM

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