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Sleeping & Swing Question

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Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Sleeping & Swing Question

We have a Graco swing in our bedroom that DD likes and when we put her in sometimes she will fall asleep in it. Is it ok for her to remain in there for a few hours? One night last week we put her in around 10:00 pm and we all fell asleep and woke at 2:00 am and she was still swinging away! We had it on the lowest speed but wasn't sure if it was ok. Thanks!

Posted 5/20/06 6:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Sleeping & Swing Question

My papasan swing setting on low is still a bit rough for a newborn. I usually click it off and leave on the music once she falls into a deep sleep. If the low setting isn't rough I can't see it being a problem. Chat Icon God bless swing manufacturers!! LOL

Posted 5/20/06 6:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: Sleeping & Swing Question

I have used our swing the whole time and that was the only place she would sleep and the ped just gave us a talking to about how bad it was for her spine to let her only sleep in the swing but she would not lay flat from birth she is now 4 1/2 months old and now we are trying to get her in the crib and it has been so hard, my DH is with her right now while she cries I hate it so try not to make it a habit my swing wasnt even on..Chat Icon
Good luck but I dont think the swing is too much for a newborn I always put a blanket on the front so it went even slower..Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 10:23 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Sleeping & Swing Question

Emily would sleep in the swing during the day for sometimes 4 hours at a time, but the swing shut off automatically after 2 hours so we'd reset it. I don't know about letting it go all night though -- I would turn it off after the baby is in a deep sleep and just let her sleep in there anyway, just without it on.

Posted 5/21/06 10:25 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Sleeping & Swing Question

Jacob naps in his swing.. but God knows its only for 45 min to an hour no more than that!Chat Icon But he does sleep in his crib at night. He used to sleep in his carseat until like 2 months old then i swaddled him in the miracle blanket and put him in his crib and rolled up 4 receiving blankets and placed them around him so he had the feeling of being in that tight enclosed place like the carseat/swing. It worked like a charm. Good luck!

Posted 5/21/06 10:42 PM

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