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Sleeping Issues - 11 month old

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2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Sleeping Issues - 11 month old

DD is going to be 11 months and for the last Several months - the only way to get her to sleep or nap is with the bottle, rocking or holding her.

We let her cry at night - 5 minute intervals or less a couple times - sometimes more and this child will not go to sleep on her own. Her screams get louder and louder - we just hold her, soothe her and then put her on her belly and rub her back - sometimes she will go to sleep - sometimes she won't.

DD used to sleep at night by herself - but it seems ever since her teeth came in and the one bad cold she had - her sleeping routine went out the window.

Is this normal? Shouldn't she be able to sleep on her own at least once - its been months now? She is getting heavy too - and rocking her too and holding her all the time is not going to work. Im afraid ill have a 2 or 3 year old ill have to rock to sleep every night. Any insignt.....please?Chat Icon Chat Icon

Just wanted to add that DD does sleep through the night - so we are fortunate about that.

Message edited 1/16/2007 10:38:21 AM.

Posted 1/16/07 10:36 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: Sleeping Issues - 11 month old

I am having similar issues now at 10 months... actually started a few weeks ago when she was teething and learned a zillion new things as well.
I was at the PED yesterday and he said that around this age their sleeping habits change and they start to wake up more in the night or fight naps b/c of where they are developmentally.
I asked him to give me a specific date and time when it would end but he couldn'tChat Icon

Posted 1/16/07 2:21 PM

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