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Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
and it constipated her HORRIBLY. Please tell me that this is normal? I'm starting to freak out about my decision to switch her.
Posted 7/28/06 10:56 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05 11561 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
totally normal. I supplement Gracie's BM with formula too and Grace was constipated for two days, then she went and Oh boy!!! That was to poop to end all poops! The ped said if she does not go within 2 days to call him, but she went after 1 1/2 days so there was no need to call.
Posted 7/28/06 10:58 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Ok, I guess she's not THAT constipated because she did go after like 4 hours, but she was in so much pain she screamed all four of those hours My poor baby. God, the guilt will never go away, will it? Damned if I do, damned if I don't. I was feeling guilty all the time giving her BM because I thought what I was eating was giving her belly issues, but now I just feel guilty because I chose to give her formula that's giving her belly issues
Posted 7/28/06 11:05 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Her system is adjusting. Takes a little time. to Ava and her Mommy!
Posted 7/29/06 7:41 AM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Remember breast milk is a natural laxative so formula will constipate. Also at her age not matter what you feed her, your milk or formula her system is adjusting so anything may bother her... DD was SO fussy the 1st few months I blamed EVERYTHING I ate for that and it turns out that I eat the EXACT same things now and she is ok! It just takes time, try not to be so hard on yourself I am SURE it wasn't your milk causing her discomfort in the 1st place!
Posted 7/29/06 8:00 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
It will take a few days for her system to get used to a new formula. Their system can break down & absorb breast milk much easier. That's also why when you're bf'ing you need to do it more often. Eventually her system will adjust to the new formula and those 4 hours will be much calmer.
As for the guilt, Rach no need to feel guilty about this. You're switching to formula because it's best for you & your family.
Posted 7/29/06 8:48 AM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
it's so normal! When Aly was on straight formula before starting foods.....she only pooped once a day and there were sometimes she'd skip a day!
Posted 7/29/06 9:06 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06 583 total posts
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Its very normal. Madeline didn't go for like 36 hours, we were getting her dressed to see the doctor when boy oh boy- did she poop ! She looked at us like" What is going on?'; It just kept coming. Her system will adjust, but I know its hard to wait while she is uncomfortable. She will never remember this... its just hard on you . Hope she poops and your day gets better.
Posted 7/29/06 10:24 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Unfortunately formula can be very constipating to babies Give it a couple of days to see if her body adjusts.
Posted 7/29/06 10:28 AM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Even on breastmilk alone, my DD didn't go everyday and the ped said that it is just fine. As long as the stools aren't hard or formed, everything is okay and she isn't really constipated. Not all babies go every day. Nothing to worry about.
Posted 7/29/06 12:15 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
I wouldn't mind her just not going, but she is screaming in pain
Posted 7/29/06 12:29 PM |

Member since 6/06 4563 total posts
Name: Fabulous
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Don't have any good suggestions but again lots of hugs!! I am sure hearing your DD cry in pain is breaking your heart right now
Posted 7/29/06 12:42 PM |
where's winter?

Member since 11/05 2209 total posts
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Message edited 2/8/2007 12:47:30 PM.
Posted 7/29/06 4:02 PM |
where's winter?

Member since 11/05 2209 total posts
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Message edited 2/8/2007 12:47:43 PM.
Posted 7/29/06 4:14 PM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Posted by anon
i am going through the same thing right now... i am hoping that this is just DD's digestive system working out the kinks and nothing i am eating that is causing her pain. the dr. gave me florastor kids to try, if that doesn't work then i will try mylicon.
We truly believe that is all is was, her digestive system maturing... We tried it all to no avail, Mylicon, Gripe Water, Chamomile, and was even prescribed Zantac which we paid $40 for the bottle and its still sitting here not being used...
Posted 7/30/06 8:05 AM |
I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06 8041 total posts
Name: D
Re: So Ava had all of four ounces of formula today...
Posted 7/30/06 8:10 AM |