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So confused

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LIF Zygote

Member since 10/06

38 total posts


So confused

I can't make up my mind about TTC. One minute I am so excited to get pregnant and start the family and the next I think about what we will be giving up to have kids. I have been off the pill for awhile now and this month we opted not to use any other BC and "whatever happens, happens". I would be thrilled if I got PG, but there is still part of me that is nervous about jumping into this too quickly. Anyone else in this position? And now it is all I can think aboutChat Icon How does that happen!!!

Posted 10/26/06 7:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: So confused

Honestly, I don't think ANYONE is consciously ready to have a baby right away. That's why you get 9 months or so to prepare yourselfChat Icon .

The decision to TTC can be overwhelming when you try to take it in all at once. I definitely panicked when I got my BFP. Now, I've had several weeks to let it sink in- and I'm very comfortable with the idea of being a mom.

Since we got pg so quickly (after just one month trying), it was alot to wrap our brains around- we were still just getting used to the idea that we were actively TRYING. I think that if we had dealt with a few BFNs, our tune would have changed and the thought of choosing this life-changing experience wouldn't be so overwhelming.


Posted 10/26/06 10:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1652 total posts


Re: So confused

I feel the same way!!!
I don't think I am ready.. but than again i don't think I will ever be. I think nine months have a way of preparing you and by that end you will be more than ready. At least that is what I keep telling myself

Posted 10/26/06 10:09 PM

Love my sailor

Member since 6/05

5793 total posts


Re: So confused

I'm more ready than not, but of course I'm nervous about al the change involved. I agree that I don't think you're ever 100%.

Posted 10/26/06 10:36 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: So confused

For me it's not so much a concern about what I will be giving up, it's a concern about the unknown and what pressures I will have. I have too many well meaning people in my life who will try to give unsolicited advice about everything baby related. That and the thought of being sleep deprived when a baby comes scares me. I become a monster without sleep. I've been off the pill but not really doing anything to TTC.

Posted 10/26/06 10:47 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 10/06

38 total posts


Re: So confused

Thanks everyone, it's good to know I am not alone feeling this way. We aren't actively trying, but we aren't doing anything to prevent it so my feeling is that it will happen when it's supposed to. We definately are excited about having kids, just a little nervous about giving up the "child-free" lifeChat Icon

Posted 10/27/06 8:25 AM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

8879 total posts


Re: So confused

No you aren't alone, I still wonder about it from time to time. But, I love spending time with kids, and I do fantasize about having one of my own. For the most part, the good points outweight the negative (or at least they do now), so we're trying.

Posted 10/27/06 4:34 PM

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