so, did we discuss the debates on Sat night yet
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she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
so, did we discuss the debates on Sat night yet
I don't come on usually over the weekends..
I only saw the dem debate and I must say, I was most impressed by Hilary Clinton.
She seemed to be the only candidate to talk in facts and statistics rather than hopes and dreams. sje may be the least "likeable" but I like her the most right now.
Obama say a lot and I daresay does want to do a lot, but not sure if he has the chops to follow through. it looks like they could be gearing up for an Obama/Edwards ticket. and I don't know that I could vote for anyone with Edwards on the ticket.....unless my other choice was Mit Romney
John Edwards reminds me of an snake oil salesman for some reason. he is too earnest, to cliche for my tastes. he seems like he talks the most but would get the least done.
Bill Richardson seems to want to give the world a Coke He seemed very geniune, but he lacks the polish that the rest of them have. he seems like he'd go over to N. Korea, and say "come on, you know nukes are bad. just stop it" and expect for that to work
again, I didn't see the Republican debate. I'd like to hear more from John McCain and Fred Thompson.
Posted 1/7/08 12:07 PM |
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