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So frustrated

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


So frustrated

Ugh -- my FIL drives me crazy.

Tomorrow I have to work so my DH took off of work to watch emily and take her to her 2 month check up and shots.

My DH doesn't drive because of some vision problems, so my FIL is driving them to the doctor.

I've been saying for a while that he needed to put the car seat base in his car - and he waited till tonight to do it.

He just had me check it and it was SO loose. I said it needs to be tighter and he just argued with me that it wont' go any tighter and that if anything Bill (my dh) will just hold on to it if something happens, as if that would do anything.

The stubborn man wouldn't take any of my suggestions for making it tighter (ie kneeling on the base while you tighten it) -- so now Emily is just going to have to be in a car with a super loose base.

Bill is going to go out there after FIL goes to sleep to see if he can adjust it, but honestly we had my brother do it for us and I don't know how he got it so tight. I wish we would have done this weeks ago so he could have had it inspected or something.

GRRRRRRRRR...i wish the man wasn't so damn stubborn!

Posted 12/5/05 8:35 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: So frustrated

How annoying! I'm sorry that you have to have this additional stress. Sometimes I think our parents generation thinks we are too over the top with the safety stuff since they didn't even have to use any car seats for us. They don't always understand that beyond being the safest way for them to travel, it's the law now.

I hope her appt goes well and she doesn't have to get any shots. I always feel so bad when you hear the babies crying from the shots.

Posted 12/5/05 8:42 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: So frustrated

My husband and I just went out there (FIL is sleeping) and made the seat much tighter. We feel better about it now. Even my husband said it was too loose.

She will be getting her 2 month shots. It breaks my heart that I won't be there for her for them. I am so worried that she is going to run a fever or be really fussy and cranky and I just want to be there to cuddle her and make her better.

I'm realizing so much how hard it is to be away from her for 12+ hours at a time. She just fell esleep now and I only got to spend 2 awake hours with her today. I just miss her so much. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/5/05 11:01 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: So frustrated

So sorry you are missing her so!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to you!!! She'll be ok with daddy and when mommy comes home she can hug her and love her and make her all better!!

Posted 12/6/05 6:50 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: So frustrated

sorry you had to h ave this added stress to your days. The older Generation just doesn't seem to understand certain things have change and the laws have changed.

Hope her Dr. Visit goes well and you get to spend more time with her

Posted 12/6/05 12:27 PM

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