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So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/08

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Hopeful 2nd time Mommy

So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

when I puke them up 10 mins after taking themChat Icon

I hating taking pre-natals with my son but at least I was able to keep them down.

Anyone else take Duette?

Posted 3/9/08 11:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

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Poor thing.

Im on prima care

Posted 3/9/08 11:48 AM

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

oooh.... Chat Icon

call your dr. and tell them that your vitamins are making you puke.

Any prenatal you can keep down is better than one you can't. Maybe start buying OTC prenatals and trying them out? I take target brand (along with expecta, an OTC DHA supplement), and have never had a problem

Posted 3/9/08 12:02 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

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Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

i take duet chewables, and i take them right before bed so i don't throw them up. the one time i took them in the morning, i thought my stomach was going to rip in half Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/08 12:05 PM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

Posted by wannabemom

oooh.... Chat Icon

call your dr. and tell them that your vitamins are making you puke.

Any prenatal you can keep down is better than one you can't. Maybe start buying OTC prenatals and trying them out? I take target brand (along with expecta, an OTC DHA supplement), and have never had a problem

I agree. I also found out with this pregnancy that I need to take mine either mid meal or right after I eat. If I take them late at night they flip my stomach. Never did that with my first prenancy either. Citrical prenatals are vanilla flavored and pretty easy on the belly Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/08 12:13 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

I never took prenatals because I was so sick.

YOU benefit from prenatals, the baby gets everything from you.Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/08 12:14 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

I didn't start taking my vitamins till after I stopped having MS, my dr said it was fine, just take a multi vitamin instead.

Posted 3/9/08 12:15 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

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Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

I've been off my prenatals for a week now beacuse my stomch has been upset (not related to them though). I figured the last thing I needed on top of that was the stool softenerChat Icon Once things settle down I will go back on them, in the meantime I am taking some Flinstones chewablesChat Icon

Posted 3/9/08 12:20 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/07

305 total posts


Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

Im taking duet. Two horse pills!! The only way I get them to stay down is if I take them right after I eat something. If I take it on an empty stomcah, same thing puke it up right away!!

Posted 3/9/08 12:53 PM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

Have you tried a different brand? My first ones made me sick, and my ob had me switch to another one, plus i started taking right before bed.

Posted 3/9/08 1:33 PM

Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07

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Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

I have an ulcer and overall bad stomach. Right before bed, I take these two vitamins:

External Image External Image

They are easy on my stomach! No puking for me! Chat Icon

Posted 3/9/08 1:42 PM

Expecting #3 in Sept!

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Jen LIW: jenafee

Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

I take mine before bed. i used to take them in the morning with breakfast, but they gave me indegestion!
I'm on Vitafol-OB + DHA and I love them!!

Posted 3/9/08 1:53 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

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Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

I just started to take mine again the last few days, I'm taking t hem with breakfast. I might still ask my doc to switch me though, b/c I'm taking Prima Care and th ey have a stool softner in them and I have IBS, and they are wrecking my stomach in that senseChat Icon

Posted 3/9/08 3:54 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

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Re: So how is my baby getting the benefits of my prenatals...

I didn't take pre-natals this pg or my last one. My stomach couldn't take it.
I tried a million different kinds.

This time and last, I take a regular Centrum. I compared the vitamin and mineral percentages from them to what the pre-natals should have (the list was in "What to expect when you are expecting").

Centrum is not 100%, but very close.

I also take them at night. It really helps a lot. Good Luck!

Posted 3/9/08 4:04 PM

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