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So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

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Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

I went for my 32 week sono today (growth sono) Here are the results.

Good News... Baby is healthy, all the parts have developed nicely and she is definitely a girl!Chat Icon

Not so good news... Baby girl is weighing far bigger than she should be at 32 weeks at a whopping 5 lbs! They are concerned and want to monitor her growth to see if she is going to continue to grow so much. I will have another sono in a few weeks to see how she is progressing.

This scares me because I am terrifyed of labor to begin with and the fact that I may need to deliver a 9+ lb baby or have a c-section. They also may need to induce me if the baby is too big and needs to come out right away.

I hope she slows down and I am able to go full term!Chat Icon

Posted 11/4/06 4:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Spring Baby06
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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

My daughter was 5lbs. at my 32 week sono. I wound up going 9 days early and she was 7lbs, 13oz. I went back for a sono at 36 weeks because they told me the same as you, and she caught up and was measuring right on target. It's all an estimate, try not to worry.Chat Icon

Posted 11/4/06 4:34 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

Try not to worry!! My doctor won't even do a growth sono because the weights are just an estimate and are often wrong. Chat Icon

Posted 11/4/06 6:14 PM


Member since 7/06

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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/4/06 6:15 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

Don't worry! I have the opposite problem and am going for the growth sono next week.

The doctor told me I am measuring really small- about a week and half behind.

She said not to worry though that their growth rate speeds up and slows down at different times.

I will be thinking about you!

Posted 11/4/06 6:37 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

Hang in there. Chat Icon has been measuring very far ahead as well. at my 39 week sono, he was at 8 1/2 lbsChat Icon . The doc. didn't even think I would make it this far, but here I am.

Chat Icon

Posted 11/4/06 7:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

As the other ladies have said .. try not to worry.. I've come to learn firsthand that the growth sono's are SO unreliable! There is a great chance that your baby will not be that big, and you may deliver closer to your EDD than you think -

My doctor had me convinced that I was going to have a really big baby. At my 34 wk sono, DS was measuring 7 pounds, 7 oz. I was told that if I went to term, he'd most likely be close to a 9 pound baby.. and that if I didn't go into labor on my own before my due date, they wouldn't let me go more than a few days late before inducing me.

Turns out I did go into labor and delivered 3 days before my due date. But Nikolas was born at 7 pounds, 4 oz. --- 3 oz. less than they'd 'guessed' at 34 weeks!

So you really NEVER know! Chat Icon

Posted 11/4/06 7:55 PM

Our family is complete

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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

Glad to hear all the good stuff!! They are saying that our baby will be a big one too. I am 36 weeks and they approximate over 5lbs now. I don't think they are "exactly" right, just a guesstimate.

Posted 11/4/06 9:33 PM


Member since 2/06

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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

Glad to here she's doing well! Sending you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/4/06 10:10 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

Growth sonos are VERY unreliable. With DD, they kept telling me what a HUGE baby she was. (I had a lot of issues during the pregnancy, so went for sonos very often.) I knew I was having a c-section (had one with my son and a placenta previa with DD), so I wasn't overly concerned. However, DD was 6 pounds 13 oz. when she was born. (3 weeks early, but still, how big could she have gotten?)

Posted 11/5/06 5:08 AM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

My DD weighed 5lbs 11 oz at her 32 week sono. She was born 2 weeks early at 8lbs 6oz. I wouldn't worry too much about it... Chat Icon

Posted 11/5/06 7:41 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

Chat Icon my dr won't even do them, he says too much room for error in sizing.

Posted 11/5/06 9:29 AM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

4313 total posts


Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

Thank you for all of your Chat Icon and support. It was just a shock to me and the way it was explained made it sound like it was a bad thing.

I'm happy to hear that so many people went through this and had positive results. I don't mind going early, I just want to make sure she is ready and I can actually give birth to her.

Posted 11/5/06 9:34 AM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

yeah, try not to stress so much! They didn't estimate my baby would be so big, and he was 9 7! so it sounds like they are wrong alot!

Posted 11/5/06 2:33 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: So I may be a Dec. mommy afterall...32 week sono results

dont be alarmed at 34 weeks mine was 5 pounds 7 ounces and they are only predicting a 7 pound baby. I am still here at 36 going on 37 weeks and my belly is still pretty in tact. Definitely no 10 pounder in here.

Posted 11/6/06 9:21 AM

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