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Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
So I only know that I am pg for 3 days now and...
its stressful! I think Im doing OK not worrying too much about things going wrong but its really difficult to think postively all the time (even tho its only been three days, hehe).
Of course, the happiness and excitement is like 1000x times the stress but the whole pregnancy stressful?
Posted 1/24/07 4:10 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/06 796 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: So I only know that I am pg for 3 days now and...
you'll defintely have your highs and lows... but try and relax!!! congrats to you!!!
Posted 1/24/07 4:12 PM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: So I only know that I am pg for 3 days now and...
Posted by DanaRenee
its stressful! I think Im doing OK not worrying too much about things going wrong but its really difficult to think postively all the time (even tho its only been three days, hehe).
Of course, the happiness and excitement is like 1000x times the stress but the whole pregnancy stressful?
I was nervous for weeks after I found out, and it subsided a little bit, and then once I got to 12+ weeks, I felt I could relax a little. I still get nervous when it's time for tests & reults, and I'm sure once I feel the baby moving (I'm not at the point yet where I'm stressed that I haven't felt any movement yet, but I'm sure that will happen), I'll be nervous if I don't feel the baby moving much...then the whole labor & delivery thing will definitely make me nervous. So yes, I think it definitely has it's many moments of stress, but at this point, I'm not constantly stressed, not constantly worrying.
Message edited 1/24/2007 4:15:55 PM.
Posted 1/24/07 4:15 PM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: So I only know that I am pg for 3 days now and...
Posted by DanaRenee
its stressful! I think Im doing OK not worrying too much about things going wrong but its really difficult to think postively all the time (even tho its only been three days, hehe).
Of course, the happiness and excitement is like 1000x times the stress but the whole pregnancy stressful? I stressed the most in the beginning. I think it is completely natural since it is so new!
It is exciting though & you will relax.
Posted 1/24/07 4:56 PM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: So I only know that I am pg for 3 days now and...
I have to agree - there are highs and lows - just when I feel a little lighter - I find something else to worry about. Although - I do think that I worried more in the beginning than I do right now - the sonograms help and once I started feeling the baby I felt better too. In the beginning - it was not difficult for me to forget I was pregnant or not feel pregnant. Now - there's no way I can forget - if I'm not passing a mirror and seeing my tummy I am feeling a kick.
When you care - you worry - you want the best for your little one. So I think the stress is always there - it's just important to remind yourself not to let it take over and interfere. At least that's what I do. I think that as you move on into the pregnancy - excitement plays such a big role that it relieves a lot of the worry.
Posted 1/24/07 5:26 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: So I only know that I am pg for 3 days now and...
I'm not going to lie - I pretty much think that I will be stressed the entire pregnancy.
The first tri I was so paranoid because I was so fearful of miscarriage. Then there are all these huge important tests that we take - that are also very nervewracking. I am only 20 weeks now - but I'm sure that there will be more to worry about in the future.
Like Ang said - the best thing is the sonograms and to see - or even just hear the baby's heartbeat. That is enough to settle my nerves just until the next doctors appointment.
So many pregnancies end with beautiful healthy babies and you just need to know that you baby will be one of them!
Posted 1/24/07 5:30 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 10/06 393 total posts
Re: So I only know that I am pg for 3 days now and...
I got my bfp last tuesday and I worry each day! I am counting down the days to that first ultrasound. Try to relax (easier said than done).
Posted 1/24/07 7:07 PM |
Our life is complete

Member since 5/05 5909 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: So I only know that I am pg for 3 days now and...
This is my second pregnancy. I'm still nervous, even though I've been through this before, everything is new again. I guess that fact that my Dr wont see me until 2/15 doesnt help either
Posted 1/24/07 7:47 PM |
soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05 4369 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: So I only know that I am pg for 3 days now and...
Posted by DanaRenee
its stressful! I think Im doing OK not worrying too much about things going wrong but its really difficult to think postively all the time (even tho its only been three days, hehe).
Of course, the happiness and excitement is like 1000x times the stress but the whole pregnancy stressful?
i know what you mean...It looks like i'm just a few days behind you!
Posted 1/28/07 7:33 PM |