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SOA - 10/02/2012

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MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

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SOA - 10/02/2012

Who watched last night?

I was seriously bawling at Opie's wake. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I still can't believe he's gone.

I'm still wanting to know who called the cops on the brothel.

Nero going into business with the club seems like it is going to end badly.

And random but what the hell is up with Tara? I feel like with each episode she is looking more haggard. Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/12 10:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My lil cowboy

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Re: SOA - 10/02/2012

Tara is friggan disgusting. She is so grimy. I work with physicians all the time in my line of work and she is just so revolting to me as she is supposed to be a physician, a SURGEON nonetheless. And watching her beat that woman with her cast was just Chat Icon They are all really so trashy.

I was glad they gave us a bit of a reprieve from the gruesomeness. I think it's pretty funny that Ashley Tisdale is playing a hooker. This is a long way from High School Musical.

Last week I wondered if it was Clay who called the cops but that's not his style. I wonder if it's the retired cop because he's secretly crushing on Jemma?

I still can't believe Opie is gone too. That was a tough blow to the show.

Who do you think is ordering the nomads to do the breaking and entering?

Posted 10/3/12 3:20 PM


Member since 8/08

1688 total posts


Re: SOA - 10/02/2012

Opie's funeral was so sad. I'm wondering if Nero's right arm girl (cant remember her name) was the one to call the cops. The main suspects were Clay or the hooker, both leading back to Gemma. And Tara totally skeeves me, she is getting in deeper and deeper.

Posted 10/3/12 4:07 PM

My family is complete <3

Member since 11/10

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Re: SOA - 10/02/2012

I never like Tara. I said to Dh last night that I never liked her or the way they portray her character. She it totally turning into Gemma. I agree with the PP that it might have been Nero's right hand lady that called the police. I don't trust her. She is up to something. Between Tig's daughter getting burned and Opie getting beaten to death, I am finding this season to be very dark and disturbing.

Posted 10/3/12 5:42 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/11

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SOA - 10/02/2012

Nero called himself in so that the club would feel guilty and bail him out .... which is exactly what happen

As for Tara she is slowly turning into Gemma ... she was stressed cause Opie just died and it could have been Jax and then that hooker lady almost had Jax killed ... Tara doesn't deal with stress well (i can relate LOL)

Posted 10/3/12 6:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/11

658 total posts


Re: SOA - 10/02/2012

I love this show! I cried during Opie's wake Chat Icon Chat Icon So sad, I know he was never the same after his wife's death but now his kids have no parents Chat Icon. Gemma is a douche bag, always starting trouble and drama, she's crazy. Now she wants to be nice to Wendy for her benefit. I think Jax will eventually find out what a monster his mother is and she will suffer the consequences of all the horrible things she's done over the years. Tara annoyed me this episode. She's supposed to be an intelligent, right minded surgeon and she's all messed up in the head now and is not making good choices. I wonder what will happen with SAMCRO and Nero now that they will be working together. On a side note, I thought it was hysterical when Gemma called Nero's sidekick "Dora the ******".

Posted 10/3/12 7:03 PM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Re: SOA - 10/02/2012

Posted by FirstMate

Who do you think is ordering the nomads to do the breaking and entering?

At this point I have no idea. I'm really scratching my head on this one. Could it be some off shoot of that skin head gang that we haven't seen in awhile? Not sure.

Posted 10/3/12 9:44 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


SOA - 10/02/2012

AGAIN, I LOOOVE Tara like this. Good for her. I know its her decline but I can't help but love watching it.

I dont know what it is about this season but I am in love with Jax more than ever. . .I rewound one of his scenes like 14x before DH had had enough LOL

I thought he looked happy that Gemma was with Nero, sticking it to Clay - but then forbid him from being with her, that was weird. but i LOVE that he called her out on her constant need to be "loved and adored"

oh and I also love Juice. . .he is so hot and he gets so nervous between Clay and Gemma. . .

Posted 10/4/12 12:59 PM
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