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LIF Infant

Member since 5/06 297 total posts
Name: Jenna
Spin Off to People taking "your" name
Ang-Rich's post got me thinking. . .
I've had a girl's name picked out since I was in jr. high and I've never been shy about sharing the fact that I want to name my daughter this (it was my grandmother's name and sort of unusual).
When my cousin was preggo (a couple of years ago) she was considering a name that was 1 letter away from "my" name and I was so upset (even though I wasn't even married at the time) that I almost gave up on "my" name. (thank god -- she had a boy).
I have other friends who have given up on their chosen names just b/c family members have chosen names that are similar.
Just wondering if this is important to others?
Posted 5/7/07 10:54 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/06 1623 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
I too, have had this name picked out since Jr. High. It's a fairly common name, but it's my favorite and I love it.
If someone else was going to use it, I personally wouldn't care. I think each child is going to have his/her own personality etc.. so, it's what I wanted.
Even my SIL has my favorite boy name picked out if she ever has a boy. The ONLY reason I don't feel comfortable using that name, is b/c my ex-husband loved it and wanted to use it. If that wasn't the case, there would be 2 first cousins with the name Ryan.
Posted 5/7/07 11:01 AM |
I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05 8356 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
My BF is also having a girl- and chances are that our daughters will have very similar names. We are naming our daughter Kaitlin, and their top choice is Kate. Her and I discussed it- and we both do not care at all that our girls will have similar names. We are hoping they will be BF's just like us- so it would be cute if they had similar names!
Initially, I would have thought that both of us would be offended, but it turned out to be not that big of a deal. So I say name your child what you want!
Posted 5/7/07 11:07 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
I feel that if someone tells you the name they are going to use that it's pretty much off limits unless they say otherwise.
That's why I never shared the names I picked. I never wanted anyone to use them....all the good that did.
Part of me feels like if it's a true and honest coincidence that's one thing but to use a name that someone else has already said they are using before you have a decision - regardless if they are pregnant or not - just isn't fair.
ETA: Just to be clear - since I am so sensitive about this....I mean when you have those conversations where you tell someone "Jane is my absolute favorite name and I plan on naming my daughter that" and then your friend - who clearly never thought of the name Jane has a little girl and names her Jane without saying anything to you along the way - I don't like that.
Message edited 5/7/2007 11:12:32 AM.
Posted 5/7/07 11:08 AM |
Member since 3/06 18677 total posts
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
keep the name you want
Posted 5/7/07 11:08 AM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
I would say that if it's someone I am close to and we are both pregnant, then I would probably not use the name if she told me she was going to use it. However, if they were not pregnant yet and I was, I would use it. You never know what the future holds.
ETA: I just read Ang-Rich's post and in that case, I would totally keep the name.
Message edited 5/7/2007 11:17:30 AM.
Posted 5/7/07 11:13 AM |
Love my sailor

Member since 6/05 5793 total posts
Name: Christian
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
I would kinda combine 1 and 2. I would keep the name but tell the other mom about my intentions as nicely as I could. I would not ask her to change, and I would not compromise my own choice unless I really had an alternate name I liked.
Posted 5/7/07 11:18 AM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
Since DH & I both grew up in families where EVERYONE was named after someone, and he shares his name with 10 other people, we have both always been pretty adamant to have a unique name for our child. Of course one of the names that I have always loved is now one of the most popular names, so I made a variation of it if we have a girl.
Posted 5/7/07 11:20 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/06 297 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
Ang, I totally totally empathize with how you are feeling right now -- that's why I posted this.
You said:
I feel that if someone tells you the name they are going to use that it's pretty much off limits unless they say otherwise.
And I agree with what you are saying -- after my first instance of a cousin picking a name that was even similar to "my name" I totally shut up about what name I wanted to use.
But isn't it sort of a Catch-22?
1. If you tell what name you want you may think its "off limits," but you may also be inadvertantly giving someone else an idea -- someone who may not think the name is off limits (especially if thier baby is due before your's or if you happen not to be preggo at the time).
2. If you don't tell anybody what the name is and someone else happens to pick it, its difficult to sort of "claim it," right?
Posted 5/7/07 11:21 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/06 297 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
btw: this reminds me of that Sex and the City episode when Charlotte invented the name Shayla and then some old friend picked it and claimed she had never heard Charlotte talk about it.
At the end of the episode Charlotte took a pillow out of her Hope Chest with the name stitched onto it -- it was sooo sad!
Posted 5/7/07 11:23 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
Posted by Samnjenna
Ang, I totally totally empathize with how you are feeling right now -- that's why I posted this.
You said:
I feel that if someone tells you the name they are going to use that it's pretty much off limits unless they say otherwise.
And I agree with what you are saying -- after my first instance of a cousin picking a name that was even similar to "my name" I totally shut up about what name I wanted to use.
But isn't it sort of a Catch-22?
1. If you tell what name you want you may think its "off limits," but you may also be inadvertantly giving someone else an idea -- someone who may not think the name is off limits (especially if thier baby is due before your's or if you happen not to be preggo at the time).
2. If you don't tell anybody what the name is and someone else happens to pick it, its difficult to sort of "claim it," right?
I agree with both - at the end of the day no one has a claim on any given name. That's why I have no problem (in my situation) with both boys having the same name - it was sheer coincidence.
Posted 5/7/07 11:26 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
Uh oh - see I am such a baby today that I totally missed the point of your original let me remove myself and give an answer ...
If someone stole the name I wanted...I would still use it for all of the reasons people mentioned above and for all of the points that you made to make me feel better.
If you were set on the name and someone else used it whether they knew you planned to use it or not it's still the name you have your heart set on and should be used. No reason not too - like we said - we can't claim it but if you had your heart set on it then go for it.
Man, this is so hard!
Posted 5/7/07 11:38 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3353 total posts
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
I have a name if I ever have a boy. I have loved it since I was a teenager and always said this would be his name. When my sister was PG with my nephew she mentioned that she liked that named. I didnt say anything to her. One day she said to me I love the name but it is "yours" and they picked something else. I am big on not naming kids the same name as family or friends.
Posted 5/7/07 12:51 PM |
happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
i don't know, i think i'd let it go. if someone is not original enough to come up with their own name, i don't think i would let it get to me.
you really can't "own" a name. i know that is not what you are saying, but to get upset is not going to change anything.
Posted 5/7/07 12:54 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
I had a name picked out for if my little was a little and told people so they would know and hopefully not steal it before I have a (hopefully one day). If they do, I will use the name anyway - cause its my name and I picked it first In all seriousness though I wouldn't not pick it at that point because what's to stop someone else from stealing the name even after your baby is born. I may have a skewed viewpoint though since everyone in my family has the same names
Posted 5/7/07 2:12 PM |
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
If someone took the name that I wanted, I would probably use it anyway.
However, my uncle and his first cousin have the same first name and I have always thought it was odd that my grandmother and her sister used the same name. That may be because I cannot believe that 2 people were so set on naming their babies Harvey. Legally one of them is Hyman, but he never uses that name, and I won't even start on the Hyman jokes right now.
Posted 5/7/07 2:18 PM |
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
I agree that you should stick with the name you like, even if it's similar to someone else's
We picked out our names early, and we were telling DH's best friend and his wife. And her response was "well, I hope you have a boy since the name you've picked out is similar to the one we like." I started to get upset, because I was in LOVE with the girl's name, that if we did have a boy and then a girl, I still wanted to use that name.
But after thinking, I decided it didn't matter...those are the names we liked, and if we wanted to use them, then we would. And they're free to name their daughter something similar if they so choose...
Posted 5/7/07 2:29 PM |

Member since 3/06 2018 total posts
Name: D
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
Posted by Ang-Rich
I feel that if someone tells you the name they are going to use that it's pretty much off limits unless they say otherwise.
That's why I never shared the names I picked. I never wanted anyone to use them....all the good that did.
Part of me feels like if it's a true and honest coincidence that's one thing but to use a name that someone else has already said they are using before you have a decision - regardless if they are pregnant or not - just isn't fair.
ETA: Just to be clear - since I am so sensitive about this....I mean when you have those conversations where you tell someone "Jane is my absolute favorite name and I plan on naming my daughter that" and then your friend - who clearly never thought of the name Jane has a little girl and names her Jane without saying anything to you along the way - I don't like that.
i hate to beat a dead horse, but i totally agree with this!
i am SO sensitive about this topic, b/c my SIL used the girl name i clearly stated that i was planning to use...
that name is off-limits to me now, b/c we had a
to be honest, i still harbor a little resentment, even though my SIL are pretty close, and our children are playmates----
i was almost in tears the nite i found out what name she was going with--- btw, i found out on her bridal shower registry, when she registered for some personalized things... she never told me what the name she picked was... just kept telling me, "we don't know yet---" after i found out i saw why...
i think if you had the name picked out to just go with it, unless, in my case, by the time i have another child (if it's a girl)... since my SIL already used the name, it will def. seem like i copied her, and i would also want my to have an original name.
Posted 5/7/07 3:24 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1712 total posts
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
Message edited 5/27/2007 5:33:12 PM.
Posted 5/7/07 4:13 PM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
I would still use it. DH and I have had our next boys name picked out for years.
My sister got pregnant and announced she was using that same name if she had a boy.
I freaked out and got really upset at first. After talking to DH we decided we would still use the name but possibly add a letter to it ( the name would still sound the same though)
She wound up finding out she was having a girl but it was a nerve wracking few months!
It was harder for me since it was my sister and they would be first cousins with the same exact name. If it was anyone else It wouldn't have upset me and bothered me as much.
See, unless I was pregnant with a boy I don't know if I would be upset if she picked the name. I wouldn't pass up a chance to use a name that a friend or relative told me they liked if I liked it too just because they may use it someday. A lot changes-they may not have any boys for example, or they may change their name choice over the years. I don't think I would hold off using a name because someone who might have a boy someday says they liked it first.
ETA: Maybe for a sister I would though.
Message edited 5/7/2007 7:20:04 PM.
Posted 5/7/07 7:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1712 total posts
Re: Spin Off to People taking "your" name
Message edited 5/27/2007 5:33:29 PM.
Posted 5/7/07 7:56 PM |