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Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

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Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

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Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

For those of you who held on to some weight while breastfeeding... do you think it has anything to do with your BMI?

My PP weight was in the "underweight" category in terms of BMI...

The weight that I'm at now - which hasn't really changed much since 6 weeks PP (I'm now almost 14 weeks PP) - is in a "healthy" BMI (18.5).

Do you think that has anything to do with it? I've been eating super healthy and I can't seem to lose these last 15ish lbs to get back to my PP weight. To be honest, I haven't exercised yet because I just can't seem to find the time! My biggest problem is my BELLY! The rest of me has kind of gone back to normal.

Posted 3/25/10 1:54 PM
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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

I don't think it has to do with BMI. I was overweight before getting PG. I gained 90 pounds during PG and by 5 weeks pp I had already lost 70 pounds. But after that first initial weight loss, all hell broke loose. It got VERY difficult.

Posted 3/25/10 2:00 PM


Member since 11/07

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

I think it is very possible, because I read that your body needs some fat stores to maintain your milk supply just in case. Your body may be holding on to that weight just in case you don't eat enough one day. That is just what I think.

Now if I can figure out why I would need to hold on to weight when I have plenty to go around!

Posted 3/25/10 2:00 PM

Partners in crime

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

I don't think it had anything to do with my BMI. I was a pretty average weight (although for my height I might be considered overweight) when I got pregnant. No matter what I did, I held on to extra weight. it wasn't until I stopped nursing that the last 5 pounds came off.

Posted 3/25/10 2:05 PM


Member since 12/05

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

I never really lost that last 10lbs until I stopped nursing my DD. Same with my DS, although he is on formula for his MPA I am still pumping. I have about 10lbs once again, to lose and its not budging. I know that once I stop pumping Ill be able to lose it.

Posted 3/25/10 2:08 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

I'm not sure what it is but I know that EBF does not mean weight loss for me.

With Ryan it took 9 months until I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 125lbs (but I didn't exercise or diet at all). And then I was pregnant again 10 months PP. I gained 60lbs during that pregnancy.

With Colin, I'm 5 months PP almost and still up 15-20 lbs Chat Icon Again, I don't exercise (starting to walk from Penn to my office here and there now that the weather is nice so maybe that'll help).

But I think it's what keeps my supply up. I know I have 450oz of frozen milk in my freezer, and my almost 5 month old is about 20lbs - so he's getting it! So, I try not to get too upset over the number on the scale and I'm hoping it works out like it did with Ryan - a few more months and I'll be back to that weight (and I won't be getting pregnant again immediately after!!)

Posted 3/25/10 2:11 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

I'm not BFing but, I have the same problem. I have a lot of extra weight in my belly still. I have a little bit in my arms and face.

I feel that I'm eating healthy but, I think I'm going to re-join Weight Watchers in hopes of jumpstarting my metabolism a little bit! I did it a few years back and was very successful.

Posted 3/25/10 2:13 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/10

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

For me personally I think it has something to do with the fact that I am lazy and eat too much junk!!! lol
I Bfed for over 1 year and I still couldn't shed the last 10 lbs! Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/10 2:21 PM

this is what it's all about

Member since 11/07

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

i weighed 117 prepregancy. post pregnancy i weigh 109. i am like 5'1 so my bmi was always within the "normal" range i guess.

in your case, i think b/c you fell in the underweight category, your body is holding onto fat in order to produce milk..
if you think about it, if you are underweight, it is much harder to conceive, so i guess same goes for bfing.

do you need to lose the 10 pounds? if it would put you back in the underweight category, then why not stay where you are?

eta- i think you will shed the last 15 lbs once you stop bfing.. that is my prediction!

Message edited 3/25/2010 3:12:09 PM.

Posted 3/25/10 3:10 PM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

Posted by hunnybunnyxoxo

i weighed 117 prepregancy. post pregnancy i weigh 109. i am like 5'1 so my bmi was always within the "normal" range i guess.

in your case, i think b/c you fell in the underweight category, your body is holding onto fat in order to produce milk..
if you think about it, if you are underweight, it is much harder to conceive, so i guess same goes for bfing.

do you need to lose the 10 pounds? if it would put you back in the underweight category, then why not stay where you are?

eta- i think you will shed the last 15 lbs once you stop bfing.. that is my prediction!

Thanks Lisa...

It's not really the actual number that bothers me... it's more about the way I look - KWIM?

If I could have a NORMAL looking stomach again and still be 10-15 lbs above my PP weight, I would be fine with that!

Posted 3/25/10 3:13 PM

this is what it's all about

Member since 11/07

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

Chat Icon Chat Icon i am sure you look amazing!!!!!

belly pouches are hard to get rid of.
i always had a bit of a pouch so when i got pregnant, it kind of helped.
in your case, you have an ultra flat stomach ::jealous:: so i guess it is more noticeable to YOU...
i am sure to others ( me) your stomach is still enviable!

Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/10 6:16 PM

I'll love you for always

Member since 2/08

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

Posted by maybeamommy

Posted by hunnybunnyxoxo

i weighed 117 prepregancy. post pregnancy i weigh 109. i am like 5'1 so my bmi was always within the "normal" range i guess.

in your case, i think b/c you fell in the underweight category, your body is holding onto fat in order to produce milk..
if you think about it, if you are underweight, it is much harder to conceive, so i guess same goes for bfing.

do you need to lose the 10 pounds? if it would put you back in the underweight category, then why not stay where you are?

eta- i think you will shed the last 15 lbs once you stop bfing.. that is my prediction!

Thanks Lisa...

It's not really the actual number that bothers me... it's more about the way I look - KWIM?

If I could have a NORMAL looking stomach again and still be 10-15 lbs above my PP weight, I would be fine with that!

I am with you. I don't care about numbers it is how I look. I am very uncomfortable with my body now. Especially when i jog. Things jiggle that never jiggled before.

Posted 3/25/10 6:22 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

honestly-- I think it has to do with muscle. For some reason I lost a lot of muscle tone, and muscle burns so much more calories than fat. One pound burns 28 calories an hour vs a pound of fat which burns 3.

I lost all my weight by 5/6 months post-partum, but I felt like my body looked like I weighed more, even though the scale said one thing.

Even now, my weight is not a major issue-- ideally I'd like to lose 3 to 5 lbs, but I really gotta tone up.

Posted 3/25/10 6:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

I think it just has to do with your metabolism. I was normal weight and in decent shape prior to getting pregnant both times (wore a size 4). I'm sure my BMI was in an average range. I gained 30lbs both pregnancies and continued to eat healthy and exercise throughout. Both times I ate healthy from the minute DC was born. I'm now 2 months pp with the second and both times EBF did NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING for me. IN fact, my body didn't go back to normal until AFTER I completely stopped with #1. I dropped weight immediately. No idea why. I hate it.

Posted 3/25/10 6:57 PM

Happy Little Girl

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Thia (Cynthia)

Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

My mom was super skinny when she had my sister and me. She BF'ed us each for 2 years and says that she held on to 10lbs both times. As soon as she stopped, the weight came right off.

I've also found that I've held onto weight while BFing. I had a healthy BMI before DS, but I wasn't underweight.

I really don't think that BMI has anything to do with it.

Posted 3/25/10 7:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/07

1085 total posts


Re: Spinoff to EBF and weight-loss...

i have been ebf for 9 months. I lost all of my weight after 3months then I lost another 5lbs after 6 months. I read the other day you have more weight loss if you ebf more than 6 months

Posted 3/25/10 7:15 PM
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