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Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

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Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

Erica's post got me thinking....Since we have been house hunting on and off over the years, we found it so odd that many realtors don't take the time to call you back or alert you of houses they have coming on, etc. Even though we were the PERFECT buyers (good credit score, good downpayment, no contingencies, etc) they treated us like they could care less. Not good for business IMO.

Now we are house hunting again and also are PERFECT buyers, yet realtors never follow up. You are lucky if they return emails.

*** is that all about? Do they NOT need the money? Do they not need the buyers? Do they not care about their names and reputations?

Anyone else notice this? *** is this all about? I mean, how do they know if I would use them to sell my own house but now I won't b/c they are not responsive enough IMO????Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/16/09 2:52 PM
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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

I've been on the other side of that- as the agent- and found the perfect place for people only to call them for 3 weeks and get no call back- so its not always the realtor, sometimes the buyers can be flakey too. So much so that a lot of realtors wont work with buyers

There are some good agents out there and its not fair to judge the whole on your experiences with just a few

Posted 7/16/09 3:02 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

I think that SOME agents (sellers, or buyers) can be unresponsive, but some are amazing.

i think with the internet, what I have found at least, is that the Agents sign me up for listing book and think that's enough.

Posted 7/16/09 3:43 PM


Member since 1/09

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

i had to do everything, look for houses, map them out, etc. The only thing our agent did was call the listing agent to schedule appointments. That is why we got very tired of dealing with a agent and got a FSBO.

My issue now are lawyers. They have held up our contract to get submitted to the bank for over a week now. I am so ****** and the seller is ******. Both our lawyers are in lala land we think.

Posted 7/16/09 3:46 PM

s'il vous plaît

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

we only really dealt with one REA and she was a dream! helpful, worked her butt off, and was always there when we had a question. she was always pulling houses for us to look at but we helped out too by checking out MLSLI and she would set up showings for us - but she would also let us know if we shouldn't see a house based on the requirements we gave her.

she was so patient and such a doll, i am glad we found a house through her!

she works in e. northport, i'd be happy to recommend her to anyone Chat Icon

Posted 7/16/09 3:52 PM

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

I had one that was fantastic and one that was awful. I had to reschedule the awful one b/c of a funeral. Not something that one plans for, well before I could get the words out of my mouth about why I needed to reschedule at the last minute, the person passed the night before, the awful realtor had a hissy fit over the phone. We went with someone else who was fantastic and extremely accommodating b/c we were moving out of state.

Posted 7/16/09 4:34 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

Well I am talking about the seller's agents. We do not use a buyer's agent, only call the lsting agent directly. So you would think they would be responsive. And I know it's not me. I am a VERY eager buyer who can be reached by email or phone, anytime.

So that's my point. Listing agents should be VERY responsive to a buyer who si ready willing and able. Like us.

Posted 7/16/09 4:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

if your looking out east our Realtor was awesome.....we owe our house to her bc it was her find for us

Posted 7/16/09 4:40 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

Posted by mandasue

if your looking out east our Realtor was awesome.....we owe our house to her bc it was her find for us

Well what I dont understand is, do a lot of houses not make it to the MLS or listingbook?

B/c I check like crazy and feel what can a realtor find for us that I can't see for myself on those sites, kwim?

Posted 7/16/09 4:43 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

I know a great one if you need one. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/16/09 5:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

Posted by Goobster

Posted by mandasue

if your looking out east our Realtor was awesome.....we owe our house to her bc it was her find for us

Well what I dont understand is, do a lot of houses not make it to the MLS or listingbook?

B/c I check like crazy and feel what can a realtor find for us that I can't see for myself on those sites, kwim?

our house was on MLS but it was in the next town over from the towns we gave her for looking.....she saw the house and its potential and instantly thought of us so she made us go look at it and we LOVED it and put in an offer that day!!!!!!

so sometimes you need to have someone who can go that extra step

but also yes some realtors dont use MLS for some stupid reason, but realtors have their own data base to search through, so if you have a good agent who knows what you like and need they can usually help u find it.....

good luck!!!!!

Posted 7/16/09 5:26 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

Posted by Goobster

Well I am talking about the seller's agents. We do not use a buyer's agent, only call the lsting agent directly. So you would think they would be responsive. And I know it's not me. I am a VERY eager buyer who can be reached by email or phone, anytime.

So that's my point. Listing agents should be VERY responsive to a buyer who si ready willing and able. Like us.

i've found that seller's agents were more willing to take calls from other REAs - if you are working with an REA, maybe they think you are more serious or something. not really sure why but once we started working with an REA as buyers we had a much easier time getting into homes.

plus the buyer's agents can get into homes even when the sellers and their agents weren't there if there was a lock pad on the door. it's not as easy to do that if you are house searching on your own.

Posted 7/16/09 5:44 PM

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

While there are unprofessional people in a lot of professions, there are a lot of good agents.

We were just talking with DH about this and how tough it had to be an REA.

You have people who have no clue where they want to live. They have a dead set mind on what a house should look like and want to pay half the price of what it's worth. Unrealistic people on the market value. See 50-100 houses and still cannot find a house, etc... REA have to make a living. If they feel someone is not realistic, then they move on. And I understand!

I think it's best to get a buyer's agent. DH did for our house. He had a great agent. He found the house he wanted for his budget.

Posted 7/17/09 9:05 AM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

i think its luck of the draw really. some agents work their butts off because they're "hungry" while some others have been in the business so long and are well known names in their neighborhoods and just wait for the business to come to them.

maybe you should try a buyers agent. you dont have to pay them these days because most listings work with both sellers and buyers agents. like a pp said, alot of listing agents dont work with buyers and could care less. find a good real estate office in the town you're looking in who knows the area well and let them know that you want someone who is good and attentive.

Message edited 7/17/2009 9:17:27 AM.

Posted 7/17/09 9:16 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

yes! my RA sucks the big one. I actually can't stand him. I give him a criteria for us. He gives me houses that aren't even close to it. He (I swear) is just looking for his piece of the pie and thats it. I do all the work, and he just gets us in to see the damn house.Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/09 9:21 AM


Member since 4/07

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

We had the same issue with 6+ realtors before we found each other. Chat Icon If you'd like a recommendation, let me know!!

Posted 7/17/09 10:49 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

I have faith! We had a great one in it's possible (although CA RE was SO MUCH easier! - no lawyers, but that's another topic)

Posted 7/17/09 11:03 AM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

Posted by waiting4ablessing
alot of listing agents dont work with buyers and could care less. find a good real estate office in the town you're looking in who knows the area well and let them know that you want someone who is good and attentive.

I always thought that the listing agents prefer NOT to have a buyer's agent involved b.c then they have to split the comission. Am I wrong or is this not a concern?

Posted 7/17/09 3:54 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

Posted by waiting4ablessing

some others have been in the business so long and are well known names in their neighborhoods and just wait for the business to come to them.

THIS has been my experience. Exactly.

Posted 7/17/09 3:55 PM

my little piggys

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

and my realtor is well known and respected in her area and the business does just fly to her, because she has all postive experiences with ALL her clients. i have raved about this woman for a long time, and will continue to... she has gone outside of her marketing area and sold houses, found houses for people on the eastern end of LI. She sold complete dumps that she even admits she didn't think would sell.

sometimes i believe in Aura, she's got good aura and people flock to her and love to work with her.. she's just an all-around sweet woman and i think that is how she earns her pay...

But, yes, i have dealt with dumb-a$$es before, many of them.

Posted 7/17/09 4:05 PM

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

Posted by Goobster

Posted by waiting4ablessing
alot of listing agents dont work with buyers and could care less. find a good real estate office in the town you're looking in who knows the area well and let them know that you want someone who is good and attentive.

I always thought that the listing agents prefer NOT to have a buyer's agent involved b.c then they have to split the comission. Am I wrong or is this not a concern?

I don't see it as a concern- I am still new to the business but I think when everyone is represented it makes the transaction smoother

I showed houses recently- not one listing agent could be bother to come- I just got the lock box codes and off we went (easier IMO b.c we could take our time and skip something if we didn't want to see it)

let me know if you have any questions- I would be happy to help!

Posted 7/17/09 6:11 PM

Love my kids!!

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Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

Posted by Goobster

Posted by waiting4ablessing
alot of listing agents dont work with buyers and could care less. find a good real estate office in the town you're looking in who knows the area well and let them know that you want someone who is good and attentive.

I always thought that the listing agents prefer NOT to have a buyer's agent involved b.c then they have to split the comission. Am I wrong or is this not a concern?

not necessarily. its very rare that a listing agent actually sells their own listing. and with the market the way it is, alot of agents are just glad SOMEONE is selling their listing. when the market was up, sellers would customarily only work with sellers agents. but now that the markets taken a swing to a buyers market they work with both sellers and buyers agents and the commission agreed upon in their listing agreement is split evenly between the listing agent and the selling agent.

Posted 7/17/09 8:36 PM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

4351 total posts


Re: Spinoff to Erica's thread - Anyone else find that most realtors act very flaky, like they could care less and don't make ANY effort?

Posted by Goobster

Posted by waiting4ablessing

some others have been in the business so long and are well known names in their neighborhoods and just wait for the business to come to them.

THIS has been my experience. Exactly.

have you been contacting the listing agents directy or calling their main office? if you're calling the LA directly, more than likely they wont respond. alot cant be bothered to show their own listing. 99% of the time, they dont even sit their own open houses!Chat Icon they dont want to be bothered. try calling that listing agents office and speaking to the receptionist. RE offices work on a cycle with agents. their names rotate for leads and as leads come in whoever is at the top gets that lead and then they move to the bottom of the list and it goes round and round.

Posted 7/17/09 8:41 PM
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