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Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Spinoff to Oil Post
Is it me or is anyone else getting really scared about our economy and our enviornment...
It's a simple as this...the other day I went to buy DD a rain cover for her Maclaren stroller since mines was lost. The guy at the baby store told me that the prices of the rain cover have gone up by $ his words oil has gone up and what do you think is used to make plastic. This really hit me. Something as simple as a stroller for a baby cover is affected by oil so imagine what else. Plastic is used for everything now at days. I'm not going to lie I was never environmentally concious before but having DD and listening to the news has made me realize that America needs to make serious changes if we want to have a healthy planet and environment for us and our future generations.
We have always recycled but I can't tell you how many friends that I have that don't recycle at all Simple things that make a difference. DH and I stopped using plastic cups, plates etc and we even are changing DD's bottles from the Playtex disposable liners to regular glass. We stopped buying ourselves bottle water in bulk (only bottle water for DD's formula which we only use when we go out) and have tried to make a concious effort to recycle anything we don't use that is stilll in good condition instead of just dumping it in the waste. Freecycle is an excellent site for doing this.
I just hate to realize how wasteful our generation is both environmentally and financially. We tend to get rid of stuff because it's not in style anymore even though it functions perfectly fine. I remember my Grandfather and Grandmother and how they never had excess of anything. Even grocery shopping...they went as they needed to and never threw away food. They took care of what they lastd long and in turn they never had financial problems and always had money in the bank for rainy days.
I look around at my friends and co-workers (and I'm guilty too ) and how we spend money so foolishly on stuff that has no meaning and doesn't last long and how many of us make enough money to live more than comfortably but still struggle to make ends meet for all those little "extras".
Bottom line of this long post is that I feel that most Americans are generally a wasteful generation. We have a want it now care about it now attitude with little regard to the future and the repurcussions of our actions. Unfortunately if we don't change our attitude I just see things getting worse. I look at the Europeans and they are much more concious than us...they don't drive monster SUVs, McMansions, huge appliances, etc. Ever wonder why there economy is doing so much better than ours and why our dollar is basically worth squat over there...
Posted 3/12/08 8:56 AM |
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Member since 10/05 4675 total posts
Re: Spinoff to Oil Post
I completely agree. I've been trying to make some changes in things. We always recycled but now I'll recycle things that I never thought of before like junk mail, cereal boxes, etc. I wish DH would be a little more conscious of these things My co-worker and I started commuting together more often recently.
I'm trying to make more of an effort. Wish I could get DH to do the same.
Posted 3/12/08 9:11 AM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Spinoff to Oil Post
we should all know that doing small things makes a big impact.
We have styrofoam cups here at work. In my group, we don't use them. We bring our own containers and cups..we have made a plea to the firm to stop using them.
doing all of your errands in one shot with the car.
Yes, I'm scared..the economy is up the creek.
Hopefully today, the day traders won't pull their profits out of the market. Wishful thinking.
Posted 3/12/08 9:25 AM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: Spinoff to Oil Post
Im sick about it and scared to death...
As a mom with small children I cant help but worry about how this all impacts their lives..
What's additionally frustrating to me is that my DH and I cant move. He could easily get a job almost any where in the country and yet we are stuck on LONG ISLAND!!!!
Posted 3/12/08 9:31 AM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Spinoff to Oil Post
Posted by npbride
I completely agree. I've been trying to make some changes in things. We always recycled but now I'll recycle things that I never thought of before like junk mail, cereal boxes, etc. I wish DH would be a little more conscious of these things My co-worker and I started commuting together more often recently.
I'm trying to make more of an effort. Wish I could get DH to do the same.
As much as I'd like to recycle more, the list of items that the Town of Hempstead won't accept is longer than what they will.
Link to TOH recycling info
Posted 3/12/08 9:39 AM |
Member since 11/05 8749 total posts
Re: Spinoff to Oil Post
great post
American Indians have a basic belief they follow -to make decisions based on the impact it will have on the next seven generations.
that is why one of our favorite non-toxic cleaners is called "Seventh generation"
People today are WAY TOO SELFISH to even think about the impact it will have in two or three generations. I can't believe how many times intellegent people I've discussed environmental issues with say "who cares, I'll be dead" or something to that effect. people are way too busy acquiring stuff & things to worry about what is good & right for society & our planet. Too busy watching reality TV to spend any time learning about what we can do to change ourselves & stop the damage we're causing.
Posted 3/12/08 9:45 AM |
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