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Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

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My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

Yesterday someone who knew we were TTC commented on the fact that I was wearing a cell phone on my hip. she said "Oh I dont know if I would wear a cell phone so close to my ovary." Implying (and then later saying)that radiation could leave me infertile. Now I know there was a study done on cell phones with male infertility which was not terribly informative as far as I was concerned. BUT there was NOTHING conclusive in regard to FEMALE infertility and cell phone use that I could find. I told her that DH and I went to the doctor and asked a ton of informative questions. There was no need for her to be concerned and my child will not be born with the ability to glow in the dark. I just wanted to give her a big:
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Forgive my rant, I am simply tired of everyone thinking they know my body better than my own MD. If his office has my cell phone number and they call me, I dont think I have anything to worry aboutChat Icon

Posted 11/7/06 6:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

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We have a certain couple that within 5 minutes of spending time with them...LIKE CLOCKWORK, ask the big question. He can turn anything I say into a segway into "when are you two having kids?" I can usually count on both hands how many times the course of a conversation, I get the kids comment. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/06 6:44 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

oh thank god for this thread! we have one busy body in my dept, who will ask anyone anything. so annoying. so the other day i hear her and another girl in my dept taking, the girl is pg, and the woman is older and just a pain. so there are 5 of us married in the last year so they were talking about that and kids and what have you. so the older one says to the younger one "is anyone trying."

are you freaking kidding me??? the girl said no, i don't know and changed the subject. serioulsy who would ask that kind of question.

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Posted 11/7/06 7:22 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

I get it all the time at work from patients. I work for a doctor, and it is so annoying. I have had someone say to me, it does not look like there is a preggo belly yet and pointed to my stomach, it goes on and on. They should mind there own business, since when is our sex lives and our ttc'ing anyones business! It feels awful when this is done and gets me depressed and then I start to think I am the odd ball out and there is somethng seriously wrong with me. I think people should MYOB! Chat Icon ETA I had a MC last winter and someone just rubbed me the wrong way after her nagging me, it was a friend and I finally just blurted it out- well she has not bought it up since!

Message edited 11/7/2006 8:06:15 PM.

Posted 11/7/06 8:04 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

16555 total posts

I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

i don't understand people. why do they think its ok to say what they want about being pg or getting pg?? so frustrating. makes you want to hide your pg.

Posted 11/7/06 8:10 PM

only love...

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Re: Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

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Message edited 7/7/2007 10:51:04 AM.

Posted 11/7/06 10:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

I am glad to have inspired this post! Chat Icon

Before BFP my ILs would ask us EVERYTIME we saw them when we would give them a GC.Chat Icon Finally I said, everytime you ask that is another year you'll wait. Once I told MIL "I'm not sure, but we are practicing every day."

Those shut them up for a while.

Posted 11/8/06 9:39 AM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

What I find amazing is that the people closest to us (i.e. parents and siblings) leave us alone in regard to TTC. My mother has 4 grandchildren and as much as she'd like more, she knows better than to ask or nag. She will, however, be supportive if I choose to discuss it. My ILs also know better than to bring it up. It is the other people who always have something to say.

I pride myself in being a researched and informed person especially when it comes to matters as important as TTC. My head is not buried in the sand or floating in the clouds. I would like to think that those around me have enough respect for my intelligence to know that I know what I need to know to have the healthiest and happiest child DH and I can. That includes risks and benefits of any and every kind. I think that is the gist of my OP.

I know I post on people's big mouths a lot. Sorry if this is repetitive

Posted 11/8/06 9:55 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

Posted by Goldi0218

What I find amazing is that the people closest to us (i.e. parents and siblings) leave us alone in regard to TTC. My mother has 4 grandchildren and as much as she'd like more, she knows better than to ask or nag. She will, however, be supportive if I choose to discuss it. My ILs also know better than to bring it up. It is the other people who always have something to say.

I pride myself in being a researched and informed person especially when it comes to matters as important as TTC. My head is not buried in the sand or floating in the clouds. I would like to think that those around me have enough respect for my intelligence to know that I know what I need to know to have the healthiest and happiest child DH and I can. That includes risks and benefits of any and every kind. I think that is the gist of my OP.

I know I post on people's big mouths a lot. Sorry if this is repetitive

You hit the nail on the head. People give all sorts of pushy advice and it's insulting that they come off as if they think they are more intelligent than you are, meanwhile you are the one who is well read, etc. I've been there, especially a few years ago when I had an operation and had trouble healing.

Posted 11/8/06 5:10 PM


Member since 9/06

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Re: Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

ugh! i've had someone ask a week after our wedding if we were pregnant yet and they asked if we were after we got engaged because our engagement was less than a year - so what? Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/06 5:18 PM

Thankful for my miracle!

Member since 5/05

1939 total posts


Re: Spinoff to Pregnancy Board's "Can we start an official "KICK THEM IN THE SHINS" thread. How about an "MYOB" thread?

A few months after we were married last year, I had a bad sore throat and my mother left work early to bring me soup. She said that when she told all of her friends (I think they are a bunch of old biddies) that I didn't feel well that they started suspecting I was pregnant.

First of all, MYOB. Second of all, anyone with a brain would know that strep throat does not equal a pregnancy. These are the same women who kvetched that I didn't want the Electric Slide played at my wedding. Get a life.

Posted 11/8/06 6:21 PM

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