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What kind of sex ed did you have

Forum Opinion Poll
Abstinence only 6 13.64%
Abstinence focus plus varied means of contraception 18 40.91%
Varied means of contraception, abstinence not pushed 9 20.45%
Other 4 9.09%
None, we didn't have it 7 15.91%
None, I was signed out 0 0.00%

Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

We learned about ALL kinds of contraception methods and very clearly learned which do and do not prevent STDs, however abstinence was PUSHED heavily. We were told of course it's the only 100% safe way, and I had a teacher who would say that you have to wait until marriage, etc etc. She reminded me of a nun at catholic school with how tough and stringent she was about sex as a moral matter.

ETA: Adding where you grew up might be interesting, too.

My story took place at one of NYC's most liberal public high schools. Chat Icon

Message edited 8/24/2006 10:53:57 AM.

Posted 8/24/06 10:47 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

We learned about all kinds of protection but I feel that condoms were pushed instead of absitence.

It was sort of like the whole thing...."Of course boys and girls, abstinence is best..." but it was just a passing phrase and more time was certainly spent having us practice putting condoms on and taking them off and learning about other types of protection.

Posted 8/24/06 10:49 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

Posted by Melbernai

We learned about all kinds of protection but I feel that condoms were pushed instead of absitence.

It was sort of like the whole thing...."Of course boys and girls, abstinence is best..." but it was just a passing phrase and more time was certainly spent having us practice putting condoms on and taking them off and learning about other types of protection.

My teacher did this deonstration in front of the class once and you could tell she was VERY uncomfortable with it. Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 10:50 AM


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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

Too long ago...I don't remember...Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 10:51 AM

My miracles!

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

I dont remember - I graduated from high school 18 years ago.Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 10:51 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

From what I rememberChat Icon this was a long time ago for me. Our health teacher was pretty open about everything and abstinence was mentioned but not hard core. I do remember that my teacher made me read aloud all the time because I talked to much so it was the only way he could keep me focused and I always refused to say the word penis, so he would have to say it whenever it came up(no pun intendedChat Icon ) It was quite comical since he would put so much emphasis on it when he said it, ahh to be 16 againChat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 10:52 AM

my loves...

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

Honestly, I don't remember any kind of sex ed. I'm sure there had to be some form - I do remember health class and perhaps a day was dedicated to STDs but I don't remember much else. Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 10:54 AM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

"not me not now. kids making healthy choice about sex" Chat Icon I still remember it Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 10:55 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

Posted by Aga

"not me not now. kids making healthy choice about sex" Chat Icon I still remember it Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 10:55 AM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

We learned about the anatomy of boys and girls...hehehe.

9th grade- we had to partner up with someone of the opposite sex and care for a friggin egg for a week. of course, we were on our third egg by the end of the week...but shhhh we got an A.

10th grade- we learned how to use condom's and had to care for a 10lb sack of potatos!!! we had to babysit it 24/7 for 3 weeks! at this point my mom was already sick, so on friday and saturday nights i would put the sack in bed with she could babysit. Chat Icon we had a budget and the stupid thing wore diapers and had a name. my "husband" for 3 weeks was on the hockey team so the effort on this project was minimum. i guess it worked out for him cause he is married with kids and plays in the NHL.

so lets see....what did i learn??
1) never get married
2) sex is evil
3) never have kids

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 10:56 AM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

I went to an all girl Catholic HS - we had a health studies class in senior year (maybe junior). The week we talked about sex, abstinence was pushed but there was mention of other forms of BC.

Posted 8/24/06 10:56 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

Posted by Melbernai

We learned about all kinds of protection but I feel that condoms were pushed instead of absitence.

It was sort of like the whole thing...."Of course boys and girls, abstinence is best..." but it was just a passing phrase and more time was certainly spent having us practice putting condoms on and taking them off and learning about other types of protection.

Same here. I wish that they taught a different message when I was younger. It seemed like they automatically thought that EVERYONE was having sex. Chat Icon
IMHO, they should have provided a more well rounded program. Not "don't have sex", but one that focused on self esteem and self preservation. It would highlight the real consequences (STD's, AIDS, pregnancy, etc.) as well as a message of "you do not need to have sex in order to fit in or feel attractive". I think that a lot of young women today have tons of pressure on them to be a certain weight, look a certain way, and have sex in order to keep up with their peers.
As a mom, now I pray that my daughter has sex with someone she loves (and hopefully waits until she is married, but I am not that naive) and not just to do it to get it over with or to keep up with her friends, you know?

Posted 8/24/06 10:56 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

Posted by dandr10199

Posted by Melbernai

We learned about all kinds of protection but I feel that condoms were pushed instead of absitence.

It was sort of like the whole thing...."Of course boys and girls, abstinence is best..." but it was just a passing phrase and more time was certainly spent having us practice putting condoms on and taking them off and learning about other types of protection.

Same here. I wish that they taught a different message when I was younger. It seemed like they automatically thought that EVERYONE was having sex. Chat Icon
IMHO, they should have provided a more well rounded program. Not "don't have sex", but one that focused on self esteem and self preservation. It would highlight the real consequences (STD's, AIDS, pregnancy, etc.) as well as a message of "you do not need to have sex in order to fit in or feel attractive". I think that a lot of young women today have tons of pressure on them to be a certain weight, look a certain way, and have sex in order to keep up with their peers.
As a mom, now I pray that my daughter has sex with someone she loves (and hopefully waits until she is married, but I am not that naive) and not just to do it to get it over with or to keep up with her friends, you know?

That's a good point. I guess this kind of thing has to come from the parents, although I think my health class did touch on this. She talked about how it seems like everyone is having sex, but they really aren't, etc, and the media and blah blah.

I also want to add that junior year in HS was probably too late for this class, a lot of people either had had sex, or had already made their decisions about when they would have sex. I think it would have been more helpful earlier.

Posted 8/24/06 10:59 AM


Member since 9/05

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

Zero other than a lady rep fom Johnson & Johnson who came in and showed us a video explaining menstruation. We were about 13 y.o. at the time, so it was pretty much after the fact.Chat Icon

I went to an all-girls Catholic school and our biology teacher waited until the week before our exams to cover the reproductive system.Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 11:04 AM


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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

Posted by fjbaby

Too long ago...I don't remember...Chat Icon

Exactly!!!!! I think "Health Ed" was in 10th grade ... so 22 years ago.

I am pretty sure though there was NOTHING taught about safe sex or abstinence just the technicalities of how a baby gets made.

Posted 8/24/06 11:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/05

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

I went to an all girl, Catholic HS. So, the only time the word "sex" was uttered in a classroom was when it referred to gender.

Posted 8/24/06 12:03 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

can't remember actually...Chat Icon

yes, it WAS that long ago!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 12:03 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

hmm, sex ed?? let me think, we did not have any kind of sex ed class. we had health class and we learned about std's and whatnot, but there was no "training" as far as the act itself. this was a marinst school.

Posted 8/24/06 12:06 PM

27 dresses.?.ha..TY everyone

Member since 8/06

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

Nada, I went to Catholic school. All they did was show us a movie about abortion to scare the crap out of all of us and that was about it.

Posted 8/24/06 12:08 PM

My Loves

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

Hmm...I'm not so sure since I failed sex ed twice Chat Icon but I definitely remember hearing that abstinence was the only 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy and STDs. I'm pretty sure they talked about other forms of BC as well... We also had to carry around a 5 lb bag of flower, give it a name and a face. People in the street thought it was a real baby! But I had no husband - we were all single parents. Chat Icon

Posted 8/24/06 12:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff: What kind of sex ed did you have in high school

hmmm Does Rich's car in the parking lot at lunchtime count? Chat Icon

Chat Icon
The only ed we got was in health class - 1 sections of a lesson on 1 day - "This is how you put a condom on. Do it, or you'll get chlymidia. Have a good day."

Posted 8/24/06 12:13 PM

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